Tuesday, January 23, 2007


During the course of the year we've gotten a lot of questions about what kind of help we need, here. Thanks to all who are interested in helping us establish Christian Community here in N-side.

As you may know, there are two hot commodities in our life here: Time and Money.
Some say time is money, but I find time priceless. Most of our time here is spent working at jobs to pay bills. After hours, most of our people are involved with their spouses or families. Among the Grubbykupp crew, there are NO skilled laborers, and we're almost all young marrieds, or just had a first kid, so we're overwhelmed with the goodnesses of job and family.

You can see that major projects like Roofs, Boilers, and such are almost impossible to pull together.
I personally (Lew) taught a brother how to hammer a nail, last summer! Most of our folks have never weilded tools in any direction, so any repair projects go slowly, even though I have a good bit of experience with handy-ness. In fact, it's downright unsafe to have most of our folks using saws.

One time we had a painting project done in community, and a couple of us stayed up till 2am fixing it, lest it set as it was.

My point?
We need skilled people's Time.
We need Supplies and Money. Supplies are better.

Is there anyone out there who wants to buy some roof?
... a boiler?
Electrical stuff?

Is there a roofer who's up to a 10/12 job?
...ripping off the box gutters?

Is there an electrician who wants to really do this thing?

Retired guys?


I got a friend from a half-hour north who's willing to help with our trees. Anyone got a chipper? we need a chipper. You can't do a brushpile in the city. Too many possums, raccoons and skunks'll live in it.

Food for prayer and thought.

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