Friday, March 16, 2007


Yesterday Seth and I drove up for my best friend's father's funeral.
jonathan's dad passed on the 9th. He had been sick for a long time, very sick.

The most important thing I have to say about this man's passing is that he absolutely loved the Lord Jesus in this earthly life. He yielded. He bowed. He worshipped Jesus in his last days and hours.

Bill Fischer's passing has left a tear in the world. I'm listening to Jonathan right now, on the phone with a grieving family member. The world is torn by death. For us there is sorrow at the loss of his light. There are questions about how life will go on, as we refresh our understanding that this is just a waiting period before we enter the throne room of Jesus...

When Seth and I walked into the church, tthere was a baby in aa carseat right in front of the open casket. Right there, I took seth aside and we talked about what life and death are all about. Ask him about it. He can tell you.

We stayed over at Jonathan's house, Seth (5) and I. We weren't going to, but I decided (in the Lord) that we should stay for this morning's interrement service. So in a few minutes Seth and I will go to the cemetary to see the coffin lowered.

Seth is enjoying Jonathan and Rosina's two daughters' company. They flat out play! What a wonderful backdrop for mourning. Lilliana and Vanessa--both just as pretty and lively as their names.

Lilly sits on my knee, right now,wanting to "help", so I'm going to post and go. I'll fill you in more, later.

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