Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Some kind of Lizard

Spent a Wonderful morning with Seth. We drove over to Eden Park, visited the Conservatory, played on the swings and stuff, and looked at ducks. But as we exited the Conservatory, Seth spied a lizard!

I've seen these before around here, and they always surprise me. You see, I grew up in New York, and there are NO lizards from my neck of the woods. Our winters were just too cold for lizards to survive, I guess. At least, in my 13 years of creek-stomping, I never saw a lizard, and I'm a reptile fiend.

So, what was this lizard? I go on the internet and google around... There are a lot of lizards in Ohio, I guess.
My guess about this one is that it is a female 5-lined skink, or a Fence Lizard. It's body-type says, "Skink", but its lines were very thin on a medium brown background. No matter. I just wanted you to know how great it is to be with Seth on our first day with weather over 70 degrees.

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