Saturday, March 17, 2007

John Wallis is coming back to town!

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure, the Wallises are a local family that has spent the last year or two living in Delaware. they adopt kids. Lots of kids. They have 15 total, now, I think. That includes 4 of their natural-born kids and a whole lot of kids from all over the world.

Their newest, Seth, is still in China, where Sydney is picking him up in the next 24 hours. They'll come home soon, and the family will be set to rejoicing over him.

Then, John will start his new job in Cinci, and they'll move back here in the spring.

Please pray for the sale of all their houses and whatnot. That stuff gets pesky, and they really need the Lord's blessing in it.

Pray for all the people in the church that they left behind to forgive them for moving away when they went to Delaware. That seemed difficult to understand at the time for some, but when you have all these kids and an MDiv and no churches want you to minister, you gotta go where there's a job that'll support.

Now that job is in Cincy. Totally...

1 comment:

  1. sweet! i drove by their old house the other day and thought fond thoughts. i look forward to them being back.

    and... i miss you.
