Thursday, March 8, 2007

Needless to say, we're ready for our Springtime weather, here at the Ross house. Over the last two months, it has been constant sickness... Seth just finished a cough, and now Andrew's down with a throat and chest thing. The flu hit about a month ago, and 3 of us spent 2 weeks with that. mIne was followed by a touch of the Bronchitis, which I had to use medicine to kick.
So we're really grateful for the longer sunlight and warmer days of March, here. Its beautifully sunny today, with warmth coming in off the front windows of our entry way. Judy is on her 2nd week-long business trip in two months. This isn't a bad thing. Her job is really great, adn we're all grateful that we can live in this way, with her working out of a home office. I'm set to take some scouts skateboarding at Ollies this Friday Night, too. This will be my first time skating since Novemberish. I'm hopeful to arrive home stoked and injury free. Will you join me in prayer? If you're asking yourself what a 35 year old man is doing skateboarding, hush.


  1. Hey Lew, This is Abe Brandyberry - we met a few times with Gary Loomans. We have a small group of people attempting to start a new church on the other side of the neighborhood and it seems to me that we may have a similar mission as those of you on Chase. We wanted to invite you to join us for a Maundy Thursday celebration of the last supper. We're going to have a pot luck type dinner, communion and footwashing and hopefully learn a little bit about the service and body of Christ. If you would all like to join us we'd love to have you, it'll start at 7:00pm. We're located on Blue Rock Street on the corner of Blue Rock and Whitler next to the Northside Mart. You can email me at, we're looking forward to hearing from you!

  2. and maybe your efforts will not produce "churchy church", eh?

    Hope Anchors
    Prayers Ascend

  3. Hey Abe, do yo have a blog? I can't get into your profile. You got it set to private. I'd love to see that blog, bud.

    I emailed ya.

    I try to spend a little time at the 'Winder (sidewinder) each morning. Its a hub in the 'Side (northside...)

    Do you read the stuff I'm writing here? Are you sure you want to chill with me? Seriously, this is the stuff of "one time only" invitations to preach. Not much tolerance in churchy church for the kind of Jesus I've been reading about.

