Monday, January 19, 2009

are we under the influence???

Looking at these two pics: one of my youngest in raaaaaad mode, the other of a "Zombie Jesus" collector's deck from Creature Skateboards, you may wonder if we are slipping into something very dark...

Well, Creature is raad. Waaaay Rad. And Jesus loves those guys more than can be described in English, so I'm going to try to say it in French. That IS the language of love, right?

C'est a dire que la compagnie Creature represente tout un groupe de gens dont la Bible parle beaucoup! La Bible decrit un Jesus qui les aime et se leur presente comme un ami. Es-tu ami des pecheurs? Est-ce que cela te chocque?
Moi, j'aime bien que les non-croyants se moquent de Jesus. Cela me convient. Pourquoi? Parce-que cela ouvre la porte pour que je les aime.

So i hope that clarifies things for you...

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