Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Broken Ankles and getting better.

Just saw a friend of mine here at the Sidewinder Cafe in Northside. Duder broke his ankle about fifteen months back--real bad break.

I did my ankle when I was about fifteen years old. Left(front). Now I'm twenty one years older and I still take it easy on the tech tricks. I just love moving and don't need the flashy status, you know?

I never have had the temperament to spend
My bone and sinew to get tech. Not my personality. Hats off to those who push the boundaries back with their amazing skating. I'll be on my way to the 'winder for a coffee. Meet you there.

Props to my neighbor, Gary Collins, who has pushed the limits back for us all, here in Cinci.

Props to Doug K, whose new film 8isenuff is a grrreat view on city skating.

Now go push around somewhere. Layers are the key to winter skating.

This is a pic of my presently unbroken ankle.

-- Post From My iPhone

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