Thursday, January 29, 2009

Moses' Law on Fighting: Ex. 21:18-19

Here is a video we watch around here when we want to have a laugh at the whole fighting thing... soooo much american time and money go into martial arts lessons... soooo much american attention goes into becoming powerful...

I found this passage on fighting fascinating. As a person who has taught martial arts, and having a black belt and a bunch of experiences, I am very comforted and stabilized by the thought that if I ever injured someone in some situation, I might be held to nursing that one back to health!

Here it is: if you hurt someone in a fight, you'll have to provide for their thorough healing...

I have often said, "before you break someone's nose, or face, THINK and consider that God made that nose by hand." You don't go destroying God's handiwork for the sake of pride or a credit card you could have cancelled... And if you ever needed to put yourself in harm's way for someone else, you better not be brutal.

Yes, we are like sheep to be slaughtered. That is the way of the Master, Jesus. We can prefer Him to the world.

So for all of you who are tempted to accrue to yourself worldly power and confidence through the physical prowess of martial arts, get ready to pay for recuperation.

I like reading the law of Moses.

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