Thursday, January 29, 2009

From Isaiah

GOD, the Master, The Holy of Israel,
has this solemn counsel:

"Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves.
Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me--
The very thing you've been unwilling to do.

You've said, "Nothing doing! We'll rush off on horseback!'

It amazes me to read this. Just amazes me. That even from the Old Times, God has been communicating to us that what He is after is our reliance on Him, our TRUST.

The image of His hearers rushing off to find help from Egyptian Horse-markets, against Northern invaders... man, how much easier it would be to declare a fast and call on the LORD and let Him come and defeat the enemies! Look at King Asa, and how later in life he chose to work out his own way, even though he had experienced God's deliverance.

This is because there is something fundamentally offensive to human pride, and fundamentally tiring to our flesh, in the " of believe in the One He sent." (John 6:29)
His yoke is easy
His burden is light
but we still prefer to choose our own yokes
yokes that kill us
and drag us down
to the yoke He has provided us so freely...

...then there are those who have never heard, never understood the "yoke" of Jesus. They remain in the dark because of the false, lying way that what has called itself "church" has presented Jesus. God have mercy on us for this...

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