Monday, January 19, 2009

Revving up

I have been revving up to do a Bible Study through the Early Days. I love the history of creation that we find in the Bible. Period.

It is so EASY for me to believe it. Just to believe it. That adam was a man. That methuselah lived 969 years and died just before the flood.
That the ark's on Ararat.
That Leviathan was a thing that breathed fire... that Rahab was a serpent of the sea...
that Mizraim was Egypt, and Nimrod was a hunk.

I believe the stuff.

Waaaaaay more than I believe Carl Sagan and Cosmos, or Leonard Nimoy as Spock. ...uh, whatever...

So I'm getting ready to unleash a Saturday Morning hourlong at the Sidewinder... details pending...

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh...
    If only I was still there. I could add the witness of the sciences to your discussion. Not that we would always see eye-to-eye though.
    Is it a parable? God loved 'em for teaching while he was on earth. Just a though that often flits through my mind.

