Friday, November 30, 2007

Sam and Lew to Lexington

Sam and I went to Lexington and read 17 Psalms with the church there. The church there was crammed into Aaron Mansfield's house for a great spaghetti dinner. The kids watched Nacho Libre and plaaaaayed. I put a lot of "A's" in that because they had a lot of fun with each other, just one room over from us as we were reading the Psalms...

17 psalms. finised book IV of Psalms, there... Tonight they're doing Psalm 119! This group is really, really blessed. They love the Lord, love the Word, love each other. Their testimonies just flow out, over dinner, encouraging us to simply live with Jesus and let His Spirit birth in us the love that will bear fruit that lasts...

Mansfield is a cool guy. 38 years old. Salt and Pepper. Two cool kids... Hosting the Church at his house like that obviously brings life to them... to them the church is a people who love. People who love Jesus. People who love the Mansfields because Jesus loves...

Mansfield is also a Methodist Pastor. The Methodist Meeting-Building (MMB)(I hate to call such a thing a "church") is a Huge brick thing in downtown Lex, in a kinda rough neighborhood... Historically the largest MMB in KY, as some past time I think... I don't know... there're like 300 saints assembled in that building...

But this church building is sweetened by 3 congregations of Christians meeting in it! Every week, the thing gets chocked full of grace and love in three different languages: french african, Spanish, and English! Since I speak all of these languages, myself, I'm pretty stoked about these guys...

what we found in this methodist widower singledadman's house was the SAME thing we find in ours. Same exact. No kidding: the KINGDOM of JESUS established in hearts of everyday people who are simpling down into Him... i hope you just get it...

there's something very very powerful about returnign to the the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ (2 Cor. 11:3). Something so good about admitting it: that we're a people. We're not a corporate organization. We're not a political lobby. We're not a LOT of things. we ARE just a people...
We are a people whose distinctive is... SIMPLY BELONGING TO JESUS. Subjects of the King, servants of the Master...

We have been loved, and chosen by the Father. The Lord JEsus was crucified, dying an ignominious death for us on the cross, and we are called to fellowship with Him. Our dials are set to "the cross".

We preach Jesus, crucified. Come follow in the steps of the guy with holes. Not for the faint of heart, unless by that term you're referring to desperation's gasp for a savior.

There, in that little house, packed with actual people, I sensed that desperation. It was Aaron's 38th birthday. He just lost his wife to cancer this year. One dude there was celebrating his 33rd month off booze. After 30 years of HEAVY drinking. His wife, an awesome saint of God, works with troubled preschoolers (and i mean troubled). Some of the folk were seminarians, and you could feel hunger in them for something real, after their hours spent in ivory towers... They're more than ready to sink their teeth into real meat...

Stories flowed. Stories about loving people. Stories about prostitutes and pro wrestling and loss and love...

I hope and pray for peace upon this PEOPLE, in Lexington. They all live right there, near the church. They are almost all new to grace, if not church. They are amazed by Jesus and hungry for his touch.

In an institution like the Methodist church, there are influential folks having reservations about this influential influx of rough, Galilean fishermen. This Methodist church has been a bastion of Institutional History, and a fundamental shift in it's constituency could lead to a loss of prestige, especially if it fills up with whores and drunks whose only boast is that Jesus has loved them, crucified. Oh yeah, and Africans and Latinos to boot... and if those people become committee chairs and guiding voices from the Holy Spirit... What will become of us?

I have seen this tension rise and fall many times over the last two decades. Since 1991, I have been involved personally in several rounds of "what happens when Jesus comes to church". With a Crucified Savior as our main focus of attention, and example of life, what do we expect? He has paved the way. He has shown the way. He, Himself is the Way.

If I had been raised in a cushy experience of church, without the presence of the Smelly... If I had driven to church all my life, past "their" houses, I might feel a shock if "they" came in. "They" tend to RUIN a proper meeting. There's the smelliness, noisiness, out of order-ness, neediness, brokenness, failure, rebelliousness, and overall rowdiness of a crowd of folks pressing in to Jesus for their healings... It can be, admittedly, chaotic. And all that in the sanctuary of the church (or the foyer or the fellowship hall, or that most important place of all: the intangible idea of the church as an amalgam of fuzzy memories and historical pride).
Carpets get stained. Holes get punched in walls. stuff gets broken... there is loss. there is use, and using things up...

Yet, aversion to that chaos can be just as toxic as the alcohol and illegitimacy that the neighbors are going cold turkey from... for the congregations of such churches it may be time for a detox...
and a return to that darned simplicity...

Jesus is he Word.
Jesus is the Way.
jesus is the light and the life and the truth and the bread...
Jesus has called us to fellowship in his suffering. From where do we get any language of dominance and superiority, comfort and complacency? Jesus has invited us to become the scum of the earth, and gain a Kingdom and Priesthood for eternity.

That's Jesus, we're talking about... The one who was crucified. The guy surrounded with the sea-scum foam of human desperation...

this stuff is a no-brainer to the humble, broken on the rock...
this stuff is nonsense to those upon whom that rock will fall...(Luke 8:6)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

an apology

I like "apology". I need to do it a lot, at home. And here I need to do it, too. This is a place of relationship with you, dear reader (whom I pray God blesses with all the blessings bought for us on the Cross of Jesus). This is a place of meeting and mixing.

today, I'd like to form you an apology that will serve as a welcome and a reset. A welcome to new readers, helping them understand what madnesses they touch here. A reset to those who may have grown accustomed to me in a way that renders me perplexing when I deviate from any predominant form of thought...

First, let's get straight that i'm a christian. I'm not a "christ follower", as many who are ashamed of the prevalent apostate condition of institutional religion. I am equally, nay more, ashamed. Yet I retain the term "christian" because, well, that is what I AM. I'm one of those christians. I am grafted in to descent down a long line of believers. That great line snakes through history under the textbooks written by the winners. We are at the belly of the world, ground into the dirt beneath that great snake that masquerades as History. She snakes on, and we are lain in the dust behind her. She counts and recounts the scales of her beautiful hide. we lie awaiting Resurrection day.
I'm a christian, like so many untold stories before us, I cling to the One of whom creeds speak. I bury my face in the folds of His robe, as he carries me. From time to time I stand, speak, and act like Him, but only because He has stood for me, spoken for me, and acted for me on the Cross.
I don't know how you all define "christian", but in Antioch (acts 11) we were first called Christians... That text, so despised, is where our "history" left off... since then we have gathered beneath, together, to love and serve our master, who loved us so much that He served, and died and rose to show us the way of death to life.

I'm also a Pastor. That's what people call me... It means shepherd. I am a guy whose had a "calling", you could say. That calling has rendered me unemployable by institutional religion (thank God). To simply "make disciples, teaching them to OBEY all that [Jesus] commanded..." leads to a sharp divorce from that dominant form of religion that will teach ABOUT what jesus commanded...but dares not risk it's profitability on pushing obedience in it's definition of "membership". So as a "pastor" in my role and service in the church (which is a people, they'll tell you--even during the capital campaign) I teach that membership is about Jesus, obedience, confession, belief and trust. It touches on that desperation, the avoidance of which we craft lifestyles and career tracks. That blessed desperation of the soul that will cleave to the Cross of Jesus, forsaking all thought of self-sufficiency. "poor in spirit", Jesus called it.

...and I'm a Preacher. Preaching is something you can find me doing in a lot of places, whenever I must. You can catch me with my Bible open, sharing with neighbors, at home with friends and brothers and sisters, constantly sharing from this richness that the Cross has purchased me. I actually believe that I'm on a mission from God. Audacity.
And I believe in things like Hell, eternity, truth, the Bible...all kinds of things that desperation will drive you to.

Let's face it. This christianity--the one with the Cross and the Jesus of Eternity, one God forever and ever, amen--is for the desperate. You dear folks who aren't desperate don't need to like that. None of us who are desperate do, either. No person likes it. For Christ's sake (please get this), neither did JESUS. He sweat blood and looked into a plan B. REad the Gospels. jesus is our best friend. He knows desperation.
Desperation will give way, one day. I also beleive in the glory to come, that Jesus will actually come and take over the earth for a thousand years, win a final battle and establish an eternal city.

This desperation. This calling. This Jesus... lands me out there. Unemployable in the institution (again, thank God). of low esteem upon close scrutiny by the world, since my truest loyalty isn't to "doing good" or "making a better world", but to the crucified Jesus, risen Savior, coming King.

good gets done.
some changes happen, although a better world would have to be an-other world.

so consider this another installment of my ongoing "apology"... for now, I have to pay attention to the flesh-and-blood-ones around me here at the Sidewinder...

I believe that Christian people should become fascinated with Jesus, fueled by desperation and amazement at this LOVE that has overcome the Judgment. And I believe that the call to this fascination, this belief, this trust is my life's work. ...that my keyboard, my pen, my life, my guitar, my skateboard, all my posessions, are merely vehicles for the transmission of this one great truth that ransoms from all lesser claims: Jesus is IT for the desperate.

now, for the fattened soul--that common confusion of self-reliance, which is pride and a great crime in the universe--jesus is farcical. To that soul, to that mind, He is something to puzzle over, to mock.

So I tend to remain "out there". And "out here" isn't "out anywhere" to Jesus.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Abe and the Covenant Crew

this morning, I want to spend a bit of time introducing you to another group of Jesus' People... Covenant Nazarene, down on Blue Rock. Abe and Joni (pronounced "johnny") Brandyberry are pastoring a congregation in a converted bar, down there right next to the corner where Chris Challis got shot. Remember that?
Right next to the Northside Mart, a very HOT spot for crime and trouble, they're in the belly of the beast, there. Abe and Joni are really after the heart of God in this thing... They are moving like-minded folks into the neighborhood, offering an opportunity to Bible College students to live out their faith in the "normal radical" of Jesus.

Do you get what I mean by "'normal Radical' of Jesus"? The Way of Jesus is within us--an interior disconnect from this world's way. That same Way manifests in the world as love...

now don't get me wrong, i'm not talking about whitened piety. I'm talking about love. I'm not talking about behavioral perfectionism. I'm talking about that love that JEsus has made possible through the mighty work of the Cross and the powerful working of the Holy Spirit...
I'm talking about UNION with JEsus, overflowing in LOVE, in the world, as it actually is, as we actually are, from where we actually stand.

Do you know the definition of the word "actually"? I don't think I do, but I know that in french, the word "actuel" means NOW. Same as Spanish (actual). And since I know that, I INFER that the word "actually" in English means "Now-ly"--in the Now.

Actually loving means living NOW, with JESUS. A minute ago is not NOW. That was then. This is now. and so is this. and this, too. get it?

So, living NOW with Jesus is as simple as Looking UP! Thinking up... allowing the fingers of your heart to run over the keys of the gospel, hearing afresh the call of Jesus in Matthew 11:28
All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

In Luke 21, when Jesus is talking about how difficult it'll get before the end, he concludes with "LOOK UP!"

Check out the wicked, filthy, cheating, traitorous sell-out in this passage! He looks down! And still looks up! Sometimes looking down is looking up!

So, I hope you look up today, even if, like me, you might have to look down, too... ANd please think about Abe and Joni! Pray for them. Lift them up. Ask Father to work with them and with their denomidudes to embody the LOVE the the cross has baptised us in... that the Holy Spirit baptises us in...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Today's proverb helped...

i had a bit of weirdness about how well folks speak of us, and what we do, within the church, and how scarce the offers of actual help are, juxtaposed with the multiple millions of dollars that are pouring into brick and mortar in our city's church groups, juxtaposed with an offer of real help from a secular organization, upon the recommendation of our friends here...

where are the heroic rich Christians, whose pastors preach thoroughly and passionately from the commission/command of 1Timothy 6? Where are those people who want to HELP PEOPLE, like Luke 16 says?

Well, I don't know where they are, who would LEND, as JEsus commanded, or GIVE as the Master modeled... But Here's the newspaper, shaming the church with a generous willingness to help out.

and here's a proverb that helped me understand a facet of this dynamic...

End november 2007 update

Good morning. I'm here at the Sidewinder, again, thinking back on the weekend...gratefully. I don't know what time will be at the bottom of this post, but it's almost 9am right now.

There are a few things going on right now that are worth sharing with the world...

First, Thanksgiving was a wonderful time. We had a Wednesday and a Thursday meal. This has been a time for us to draw closer together within the Northside community. Last year, out table packed out with relatives and passing strangers--like 25 people or more, during that long weekend. This year, it was two meals with our local church people... That's just the way it worked out, and that was great. There was enough stretch in the day for me and Danielmattt to spend turkeyday morning filming me skate on wet leaves and puddles...

Our Sunday Morning was an intimate breakfast and worship time. Many have traveled, and the Trues are still sequestered with baby isaac. Imagine that. One of our couples just had their baby this week, then Thanksgiving with all kinds of gentle blessing, and then Sunday Morning Breakfast among just a few of us...

Now, on Sunday Night, Chris Deering and I went up to INdianapolis to share musically with a youth ministry. I did some free-flow worship music, and accompanied Chris on a couple of his acoustic versions of his excellent hip-hop music... I personally preferred his full-on hip-hop versions, with back-up tracks... Chris is actually very good. No kidding.
In a generation where everyone's a "rapper", its nice to be around Chris' developing talent and clear message.

While Chris and I were gone, the "Jesus Meeting" on Sunday Night--that is our open meeting, for all comers--the Jesus meeting was great. I love it when, in my absence, the ministry of the Holy Spirit through the Body displays the reality that the church is led by JEsus, not by men. There was a lot of sharing on Peace, and we had Angie in town.

Angie is our dear friend of about 18 years. She lives in Kentucky and works at the Galilean home. She helps people, every day. She is like... she's kind of like a mother theresa kind of sister. she'd laugh or cringe to hear that, but she's a single woman who has devoted herself to Jesus, iin service of the disadvantaged... She's a heck of a lot younger than Momma T, but she's on the same track: Jesus. Her wisdom, and authentic christian religion are a true help to us, every time she comes... I'm sorry I missed her, and our new friends who came to visit with Jesus that night.

When you have families, with kids, and four new marriages, 2 kids born in a few months, another born just over a year ago... When the church is like this, the emphasis shifts, naturally and supernaturally, to the establishment of these families in godliness and love... the emphasis of our community finds expression in equipping HOMES of LOVE, starting with Self, Marriage, Family, and bleeding out into the neighborhood and workplace...

As a pastor-guy, this is pretty wonderful to experience... I am often "put right", restored, by this life together... And another wonderful thing is the neighbors, who are also house-church-ers. Wow. We love you guys. Peace to you.

praying for unity. walking in peace...

Saturday, November 24, 2007

What Danielmatt and I did on Thanksgiving before eating with all the Jesus peoples at the house...

lots of wet leaves, so we just relaxed and flowed.

an apology, a welcome, and Beowulf

lots of "me" in the posts lately. just a phase. relax... just using some skate footy to see if I like Blogger's vid hosting better than YouTube's...

We're all super-stoked to welcome Baby Isaac!

Last night, Sam and I went to Beowulf. Yes, there're parts in there where Angelina Jolie's evil dragon lady monster character isn't wearing anything but water drops, so there's a "look-away" factor, but the epic-ness of it was great...

And you know what? After that, we looked at the real poem, the gilgamesh epic, the nephilim, and the race of Cain in antediluvian times... then we looked at the reality of nephilim in post-diluvian times, and discussed all kinds of stuff from the Bible...
Considering the possibility of the monsters of Beowulf... that's what made the poem so good to the people of its day. And us? Are we so evolved? So enlightened? Have we come so far from the possibility of monsters and demons?

Friday, November 23, 2007

Fifty Stories: Chris Deering's Music

Chris has lived here for years... sheesh, he was an intern with City Cure in 04, and moved here in 05, I think... he got assaulted that year, remember. What a story that is. Definitely in the top 50.

Well, chris has put out some seriously good hip hop music, and you can listen and download from the title link here... He wrote this stuff on breaks at ComAir, and in between runs to Chipotle... Sheena is due in March, btw. They live across the street from Lew and Judy's house.

God is so Kind.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

I got out with my friend and brother Danielmatt to do a bit of chronicling today. I'm not ashamed of my fairly mediocre skatboarding talents. I am what I am because God made me and has guided my life. I am more than content with these earthly trappings. I'm... I'm... thankful.
Yes, today was thanksgiving and I got to hang with Judy and fam, work in the Kitchen, have a big meal with friends, skateboard in the rain, and see a cool hailstorm. Thankful? Yes. for way more than skateboarding, too. Starting with the cross of Jesus, and ending at the cross of Jesus, I'm thankful for it all... It was a good day for me to think back on the last 4 years we have spent here... (we're actually going on 4) and consider how, through circumstances I didn't understand, our Father has been working for good. Our good. the good of many... heck, I don't even know all the good He'll squeeze out of us in the coming days. I just know I'm more willing to trust Him in extreme circumstances, and in the midst of suffering than I was before. I hope I'll also be more effective in encouraging us all to be willing to suffer for the Lord. That's what "take up our cross" meant. Willingness to suffer. that's the actual meaning of the word "passion".

Thanks to God for JP and Prari, Bobby and Melissa, Danielmatt, Christine, Malachi, Trues, Chris and Sheena, Lauren, Sam, and all the saints who season our daily life with Grace, here...

Thanks for you, too, readers. May willingness to suffer for the Lord season your every pursuit, no matter how mundane, vain, or silly.
He Lives!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

David Isaac True

Please enjoy these photos of our newest litttle brother! David Isaac True (Isaac) arrived yesterday at 11:47am, weighing 9pounds 12 ounces (maybe 13?) and measuring 19 inches long (but we all think he's longer). Healthy and surprisingly happy, he was born and lives among us, now.
Thank you, Lord! So now, just around the corner, up Chambers, the True house has another wonderful soul under the roof. Sheena and Chris are next, across the street in March! We're all praying for that.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Here's a Jesus Person for ya!

This little dude here is Kai Shryock. Dude's cute, eh? 'bout 14 months old or so, son of Danielmatt and Christine (xtine) Shryock from up the street. They are in the other half of The True's house--big duplex around the corner. David and sarah and Kadin true (kay din) moved in last summer and have been cookiing up another baby for us! And today they went to the hospital to have him! Yes, that's right! Another Grubbykupp Christian Jesus person to add to the mix...
Remember! Chris and sheena are due in March, too. So there's a lot of Baby stuff shaking around there, lately. I'll keep you posted on the arrivals and all. Just so grateful for such days as these.
Think about how many children the Lord has blessed us with! Aaron (13), Seth (6), Kadin (10 I think), Kai (1)... and Now Baby Isaac (David Isaac True)!!!! Soon to see the little praiser in Sheena's belly, too! What rich blessings on earth! THink about our arrival in the Kingdom of Jesus at the end of the age. How good that will be.

Monday, November 19, 2007

not about model.

i don't know how many of you know that I was once put out of a "house church network" because, among other things, I didn't believe that "model" (specifically house-church) was the key to my ecclesiology. my understanding of what the church is.

i recently posted that I'd love to help to start home meetings all over the city and the tri-state. I didn't realize that I've been being equipped to equip, with such an extensive resume, but I have been. Jesus snuck it in, as we have simply lived, trying to obey, daily.

so now here i am, and i'm ready and willing to help, if i can, to encourage christians to grow in Christ--as disciples who OBEY the gospel and all He has commanded us... to encourage christians to open their homes to each other and to trust in and participate in the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Body.

I am ready and willing to help. Not to hurt. not to hinder. No matter what a church's tradition, structure, polity... model. the Kingdom call is the same: Jesus has commanded us to be obedient to Him. Jesus has commissioned us to make disciples. disciples who OBEY Him.

jesus distinctly did NOT mention model issues. But if your church's tradition, polity, structure, or practice compromise basic obedience to christ, you've gone off the path in pursuit of the wold's comfort. Repent and refresh!

Example: Methodists:
examine the teachings and journals of Brother Wesley! How many of your pastors are preaching what he preached? How many would be raised atop the same mobs he was if they did?

Example: presbyterians:
of your preachers and congregations, how many are hungering for a ministry of the word like that of Jonathan Edwards?

these are just two examples, and good ones, of the slide that comes with time. These brethren were only endeavoring to connect us with Jesus, the Christ, the only son of God, who alone can save us from eternal hell and the second death! Jesus came to rescue us from the kingdom of Satan adn deliver us to the light from the dark. to life from death!

these good men would be laughed or thrown out of most churches! And think of what the Apostle Paul would endure at the hands of most church boards! Staff position? He'd never get one, much less keep one.

So no matter what your model may be, I hope that all who are Christians open their homes to each other, adn admonish each other daily to follow Christ without grumbling, murmuring, dissention, envy, factions... to follow christ and work out their salvation with fear and trembling.
no matter what "model" you're in, LOVE. nOt in word, but in DEEDs, daily. Practise hospitality. let the word dwell richly in you and SING. Communities/congregations like this will shine.

if you're a church leader, watch out. Jesus is looking to see that we accomplish the equipping of such. if you struggle with envy, jealousy, and control issues driven by fear and lust for the world... watch out.

well, i hope i can indeed help someone someday somehow by the grace of God. I hope that somehow, by a miracle of grace, that these writings can encourage and sharpen your mind's understanding that Jesus is the only way, and that is good news. period.

you don't need me. you need to obey Jesus.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

just couldn't wait

i just couldn't wait to blog this out. I'm sitting in the meeting room after a time in worship. Five others are here, there's a silence over us all. God is on the move. There was an INCREDIBLE time in the word-over an hour, together, being equipped by the Holy Spirit's voice through the Scriptures. Together, listening and sharing from Jesus among us.

He is the Word, among us.

These open Jesus meetings are... indescribable.

Everyone and Anybody!

If you were in a Sunday Service, and the preacher/expert brother (or sister) was communicating up there, and their message was muddying the waters of the truth for the Body, what would you do?

Send an email?

Stand up and shout from the back?

Write a letter?

Start a blog?

Start your own church?

In a lot of places on Sunday mornings and other times during the week, the truth and encouragements that God wants to speak to us are put on the line. Saints all over the place cry out to God to please please please use their pastor or preacher to bring a word of instruction or encouragement to the body. Wow. that's true, and that's sad. Many of those people are constantly disappointed.

Pastors across the country are too isolated, with their degrees and "expertise" elevating them to an unrealistic higher plane. They are expected to the modern-day Moses. But in Numbers 11, Moses bewailed the reality that not everyone was a prophet, yearning for the day when the Spirit of God would be poured out on the whole community of God.

As I've seen it, housechurch, or "family model" ministry produces a profoundly effective sense of ACCOUNTABILITY in terms of teaching and the Word. What I mean is that in a big church that puts an unrealistic trust in the credentials of the minister, you get this inability to challenge, or complete thoughts and ideas that they're teaching. In house/family church, you can raise your hand and ask or add! Everyone is trusting the Holy Spirit to speak through Anybody. The entire gathered community is recognized as a vessel for the Lord to minister through.

There are leaders, and there is authority, but leadership and authority are turned toward equipping others to minister and serve... during preaching, there's a sense of the teacher "drawing" the Word out of the people listening... it is common for someone to be identified as "Loaded" with a word, Bible open on their lap, eyes bright. They are asked to share, and almost always have a clarifying addition that brings the message more fully home...

That's how it commonly fleshes out in our community, and I can't wait to help other house groups to mature in the boldness of recognition that the Holy Spirit, our teacher, is working through "anyone", as we gather in the Name of Jesus.

Now sure, there'll be flakes and fakers. But at least they'll be clearly evident to all, as they share in the vulnerability of intimacy in a small family-style meeting. They are easily identified by rank and file christians who read the word and live in obedience to God. In bigger church settings, these folks can embed in the community for years, without being challenged or helped out of their deceptions.

Beloveds let's get cracking on getting the saints equipped to minister house to house in the tri-state. This will equip them to serve in their neighborhoods in radical, ordinary faithfulness unto Christ. That will do the trick. Joy ensues.

Anyone want encouragement to start a home meeting? I'd love to help.

Sunday Mornign Sidewalk

Just skated down to the Sidewinder and back for a quick coffee... an afternoon coffee... this morning's meeting was GOOOOOOD. We had Dan and Cheryl (sp?) in, from up north in Amish Country. Sugarcreek. Danielmatt's dad.

Dan had a stroke three months back. He's almost fully recovered, PTL. We've had the pleasure of knowing Dan for years now. Like 4 years I believe, since Dan and Cheryl first came to meeting at the Chase House. Their visits have always been sweet. They were both initially discipled in the '70's in home Jesus meetings. They see what we are doing as a "blast from the past". They are very encouraging and sweet to us all, sharing from lives lived in longing for the closeness, intimacy and truth of the "family-style" ministry of house churching and daily living together.

This morning, they took an opportunity to encourage us to keep this up. Thanks, dan and cheryl. we are praying for you and yours up North and in Athens.

We had a wonderful breakfast of a casserole that Judy prepared with me and Sam, in the Chase House kitchen, last night. We sang songs with the kids, let them go play, and got to the meeting and teaching, and praying over babies on the way and healings. We prayed for a good friend with cancer. Please lift her eup. she's been battling it for 17 years and looks like it's over. carol. lift up carol and her family.

I'm looking forward to you being able to listen to our times of meeting and sharing online. We've been recording the teaching and singing for some time, now. Just looking into what it takes to host it all... then you can hear for yourself some of the beautiful, basic, gentle Word that is coming to and through the Body, here...

After meeting, I had a conversation with one of us about starting up more adn more house church meetings across Cincinnati. This is so EASY. Just meet and press into prayer and the Word, together. Then live the day obediently and love one another deeply. loneliness disappears.

yes, we get exposed, but only to be healed.

another thing. As I've seen it, housechurch, or "family model" ministry produces a profoundly effective sense of ACCOUNTABILITY in terms of teaching and the Word. What I mean is that in a big church that puts an unrealistic trust in the credentials of the minister, you get this inability to challenge, or complete thoughts and ideas that they're teaching. In house/family church, you can raise your hand and ask or add! Everyone is trusting the Holy Spirit to speak through Anybody.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Seth has Bengals on the Brain

I really don't like the Cincinnati Bengals. The last time I cared about any football team was when I was in grade school and the Jets won the superboal. Phil Sims was QB. whatever...
and i really don't like the affect that all the crime among team members f the Bengals has had on the mind of my neighborhood kids. I mean, chris henry? Drugs? Guns? Drunk driving? Assault? Resisting Arrest? What the heck? those are tht things that the kids think being a star stands for. eight year old kids on the curb shouting "f-the police"...

But I don't mind seth's magic markering. In fact I think its really funny. and i wanted to share it with you because its another great example of daily life here.

Now I'm off with Judy to take the kids for haircuts and whatnot. I think Seth's going to use some of his own money to buy a Pokemon thing... fun day. Maybe Aaron and I willl get to skate later...

Sam Drinks out of a Mason Jar...

sam is a salt of the earth guy. really great to have him at the house. Last night we all had pizza before judy's and my date night. really fun to have a family dinner... and there's sam, drinking milk out of a mason jar... i find drinking out of mason jars particularly funny. why? I don't know. I just do. it speaks of simpler times, i guess...

Upon Our Return from a Date

this is the kind of thing that awaits us upon return from a typical date night. We put Aaron in charge, promise his pay rate, and pray...

We wouldn't trade these days for the world.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Interviews can be fun!

What a nice time I had, sharing about our life in Christ with the reporter from the Cincinnati Enquirer. The more I prayed about this, the more peace I had with carrying through with the interview. I emerged from the process trusting the reporter and feeling like the shape of what Jesus is doing among us came through to the guy. Thanks, reporterJohn. It was a pleasure to meet you.

Believer because its easy...

Last night, at Men's Table, I ruminated for a moment on the peculiar fact that I believe. Yes I do. Not everything, that is. I don't believe just anything, but I am firmly set in my beleif in Jesus...

that is, I trust Jesus. I trust the Bible. Unquestioningly. How peculiar! I'm kinda skeptical about all kinds of things, but Jesus, His resurrection, the Scriptures' historicity and reliability, the Miracles of the Holy Spirit... they've got me.

I believe. Its easy. I believe. And I trust. I trust Jesus to care for my good, today. Whether for ease or discomfort, pleasure or pain, health or sickness, strength or weakness, His plan is for my good. I trust His heart. He won that trust on the cross, atop a hill that looked like a skull...

I believe He rose from the dead. There is a ton of legal/historical proof that is overwhelming to the honest skeptic, but my belief doesn't find it's genesis there. I believed when I heard for the first time, the teachings of Jesus. I felt Him present in that moment, those moments.

In a big room, in the Hudson Valley of New York, in a monastery, I, a skinhead punk from the suburbs, got interrrupted by the Holy Spirit as I heard the Answer to all my questions. Jesus is that answer for me. For you, too, if you will believe...

If you will believe. If you want to believe.

I was utterly changed when I opened my heart to Jesus. And I changed many things, too.

Because I believe like this, sometimes I obey. sometimes I obey a lot. Sometimes I obey dailiy, denying myself and taking up the cross, following in the steps of the master... Sometimes I deny myself daily and actually walk in the Holiness that love alone can work in such an unruly one as me.

So I keep spiraling upward on the Wind of belief, trust and obedience, even as I mourn over my sins and disobedience.

some thoughts in a moment for you, dear ones.

Another Great Thursday Night

last night, thursday, we had our second "men's table" time at the Chase House... Sam, Chris and I got into the word on topics ranging from wisdom, honesty, integrity, HELL, the existence of the spiritual realm, and a testimony of a resurrection from the dead in Myanmar (Burma).

There are fewer memories sweeter to me, in my sojourn among Jesus' People, than sitting around a table with a few disciples, together, learning at the feet of the Master.

One interesting thing that got said was:

If you put me into a press and pushed me hard, I'd probably answer your questions about the Scriptures to the tune of a fundamentalist. I believe that the Scripture has been preserved in translation through the ages... I believe all manner of things because I believe Scripture...all manner of things that folks might find "bizarre" or even terrible...

Why do I believe in these things? Because its easy for me. I'm a believer. I believe in Him. I believe Scripture. Why am I a believer? I'll blog about that on Lewminator, now.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Welcome Sam

I'll try to put a pic of sam into this post later, but Welcome to Sam, our newest resident at the Chase House (1320 Chase)... aaw, who'm I kidding. It's Lew and Judy's house... not a program, but a family house...

the mission of Jesus is completely couched in terms of FAMILY. Approaching "mission" outside of a family model is bosh. bosh, I say. Sooooooooo many pastors today are bemoaning the lack of "family" in their church structures, as the structures of their churches work against the reality of the Kingdom of God:

Jesus has made us a family.

So we welcome Sam to our home. He was family even before we met him, and we're glad to have him on the 3rd floor. Since he's come, we've had more Bible at the table, more uplifting conversations, more of Jesus around the house.

We're messy, and sometimes sorry for it. We're busy, and often pulled in many directions, as Judy continues to travel frequently which makes Lew the "single-dad pastor of a family-model church". And sam looks like he's doing well with it...


Development: Boiler/cincinnati Enquirer

For the last two years, we've known our boiler in the Chase House is on its last legs. When the fire comes on, rivulets of water trickle down through cracks in the big cast-iron thingy-thing.
the plates on the front that seal off the deadly gas's way into the house fell off all the time. I fashioned holders out of coat-hangers and slathered them down with boiler cement to hold them on. so far so good...

Well, a local church pastor with some pull among the Cincinnati connected has managed to get our ministry's name on a list. the "Cincinnati Wish List". This is a list of charities that the cincinnat Enquirer (our local paper) supports with a one-time gift, around christmastime. Thank you, brother pastor. Thank you, all the well-meaning church workers. May you all be blessed richly in the knowledge and peace of Christ.

So there we are. I've had two companies in, this week. There'll be a reporter tomorrow morning to interview me, and next wee there'll be a photographer to catch the "skateboarding pastor" in action. no kidding. hilarious.

Please pray for my heart to hear, my mouth to speak, and my house to get neater, or not, as God wills.

The reality of our messiness is a testimony to the grace of God. The fact that i'm writing this, with the scriptures open on the table, having already had opps to share Jesus with neighbors, is worth the infrequency of vacuuming... inability to do all the repairs and upkeep...

I'd trade the niceness of a well-groomed lawn for a redemptive conversation with a neighbor addicted to drugs, anyday. Would you? If you would, maybe you'd consider moving into a missionary lifestyle and loving Jesus, who is builiding His church in People, outside the camp.

Just old brother lew again

It's been a great last couple of weeks. Going to Lexington, almost visiting Aaron Mansfield, reconnecting with Chris burton from the church i did a spot of youth pastoring at...

...the cincinnati enquirer is looking into replacing our boiler. Yo uall know that our boiler is unsafe and starting to leak and whatnot. bad situation... Well, we've been praying over that for a long time and recently a local pastor who really loves us and what we're about put our name in a drawing for the Enquirer's "Wish List". They selected us, along with a bunch of other groups, and now they're looking into getting us a new boiler...

the total cost looks like 10,000 dollars, of which the Enquirer would provide a portion, up to about 4,000. There is a possibility of a discount or something... who knows what our Lord is up to.

I appreciate the opportunity to talk about Jesus, and being His people, to the newspaper. I'm going to be who I am, mess and all, and keep it real through this. I don't know what to think of us being Jesus people and having the necessary ransom coming from outsiders... I'm uneasy with the missed opportunity for the church to help out...

I'm grateful for the help. but what the heck is this? I thought that the believers would take care of each other. That's what Jesus taught us. This is a shame. isn't it? Will we really be accepting the help of our local NEWSPAPER to keep us in heat while we do hospitality and teach the word of the Lord? The more I think about that, the less easy it sits with me.

Lord, please bless the generosity of souls who are giving sacrificially to support ministry in Cincinnati. Bless hearts.

pray for me, all you guys out there who do the prayer thing, that I could open my mouth for Jesus in all this.

and hey, would you christian types out there please do a gut check to make sure you're living out your religion in keeping with the teaching of Jesus? Please?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 2007 update

Hi everybody.

Tomorrow I'm going to Aaron Mansfield's church community in Lexington, KY.
Its cold here, now. 30's.
I'm in the sidewinder with a hat, sweater and two shirts...

I still skate just about every day, but since I'm old, and its cold, I don't get too radical.

Our gathered life in Christ is good over here. We're christians and whatnot. it's all going down over here in the hood. We have a baby due any minute around here, too. 'nother in march. Sarah and Sheenah. David and Chris. two new babies by spring. Timmes are a changin' over here...

I've been playing dillon covers in coffee shops, lately. two times now. love it. sometimes i write something, but its mostly all worship and dillon-esque stuff. some social distortion and some other stuff too...

Judy's work is very good. blessed. She's so good at what she does. amazing, really. I am so grateful for this season. it is incredible to in this relative ease.

Sam Weber just moved into our third floor. That leaves one room left to fill up there, with two people. Three on the third. That's the way I feel it. Max it out, live it up.
Sam's a very sweet, holy brother from Cincinnati, whom we met through the vine.

So I'm looking forard to a day out in Lex, experiencing a taste of God's congregation over there...
I'm going to skate a bit before my lunch appointment. be blessed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Daily Proverbs

is a BibleStudy i just threw down on a portion of Prov. 6. Today's the sixth. so there...

Leveling: post frequency and NEws

I'm going to level with you. I post to this blog too infrequently. We would all be served better if I were posting twice a week, in a continuous flow of stories and thoughts from the "field", here.

But I don't. I struggle to remain on for a weekly post.

Well, that's the way it is.

But its nice to hear from Germany that I should post more. Its nice to hear from Arkansas and Georgia... yep. So thanks to all you guys who call and email me to let me know you're looking on. Got a call from Texas yesterday, mentioning reading my blog...

so here we are: the Jesus People in Cincinnati.


a local coalition of churches has nominated us to the Cincinnati Enquirer's Christmas Wishlist--for the replacement of our aging and ailing boiler with an energy efficient model. Hopefully, our nomination will be successful and we'll be heating safely and efficiently.

We have switched out community/family meeting time to an actual Sunday Mornign thing. So much easier for all the babies we have among us...
At this point the kid count is:
due this week
due march

Last weekend, we had a visit by Dr. Eric, a "founding member" of our congregation. He was there through the tumultuous days of coffeeshop Biblestudy and kitchen table discipleship... soooo much tea has been drunk over 1 Peter, between us. 5 months in 1 peter, one time...

Now we're 5 years down that road, having been friends since 2002. God has seen us through so much. And things are "sweetening" around us. That's what happens in the wineskin. aging brings the sugars out. breaks them down to a form that makes us happy.

Eric had his two beautiful children with him. How incredibly good it was. Thank you, Eric, for putting us on your itinerary. Eric and his wife Amy reside in Virginia Beach, where Eric serves the Lord as a doctor. Their little ones are
Paul 2 years
Sarah 14 months.

That's a bit of news from us. Some thoughts on Scripture and Kingdom life to follow.