Saturday, November 17, 2007

Seth has Bengals on the Brain

I really don't like the Cincinnati Bengals. The last time I cared about any football team was when I was in grade school and the Jets won the superboal. Phil Sims was QB. whatever...
and i really don't like the affect that all the crime among team members f the Bengals has had on the mind of my neighborhood kids. I mean, chris henry? Drugs? Guns? Drunk driving? Assault? Resisting Arrest? What the heck? those are tht things that the kids think being a star stands for. eight year old kids on the curb shouting "f-the police"...

But I don't mind seth's magic markering. In fact I think its really funny. and i wanted to share it with you because its another great example of daily life here.

Now I'm off with Judy to take the kids for haircuts and whatnot. I think Seth's going to use some of his own money to buy a Pokemon thing... fun day. Maybe Aaron and I willl get to skate later...


  1. hi..thanks for your comment on my blog! you are a friend of aaron mansfield's, correct? anyway, thanks for your words!

  2. Lew,
    Thanks for the visit over at the Eagle and Child -- I haven't been really active too much on the blog lately .... lots going on family and church wise.

    Love the photos of your marked up child...Sarah Grace looks quite similar after swim meets (no bengals markings ... just lots of swimmers who write on each others' arms :) )
