Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Here's a Jesus Person for ya!

This little dude here is Kai Shryock. Dude's cute, eh? 'bout 14 months old or so, son of Danielmatt and Christine (xtine) Shryock from up the street. They are in the other half of The True's house--big duplex around the corner. David and sarah and Kadin true (kay din) moved in last summer and have been cookiing up another baby for us! And today they went to the hospital to have him! Yes, that's right! Another Grubbykupp Christian Jesus person to add to the mix...
Remember! Chris and sheena are due in March, too. So there's a lot of Baby stuff shaking around there, lately. I'll keep you posted on the arrivals and all. Just so grateful for such days as these.
Think about how many children the Lord has blessed us with! Aaron (13), Seth (6), Kadin (10 I think), Kai (1)... and Now Baby Isaac (David Isaac True)!!!! Soon to see the little praiser in Sheena's belly, too! What rich blessings on earth! THink about our arrival in the Kingdom of Jesus at the end of the age. How good that will be.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! David Isaac True is on his way! (name=yes?) :)

    This kid is cute... and his angel always beholds the face of his heavenly Father.
