Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Today's proverb helped...

i had a bit of weirdness about how well folks speak of us, and what we do, within the church, and how scarce the offers of actual help are, juxtaposed with the multiple millions of dollars that are pouring into brick and mortar in our city's church groups, juxtaposed with an offer of real help from a secular organization, upon the recommendation of our friends here...

where are the heroic rich Christians, whose pastors preach thoroughly and passionately from the commission/command of 1Timothy 6? Where are those people who want to HELP PEOPLE, like Luke 16 says?

Well, I don't know where they are, who would LEND, as JEsus commanded, or GIVE as the Master modeled... But Here's the newspaper, shaming the church with a generous willingness to help out.

and here's a proverb that helped me understand a facet of this dynamic...

1 comment:

  1. I know where the heroic Christians are! They are all in my town. God put all the genuine, generous, wonderful Believers in my town. But then, I stumbled across your blog....
