Friday, November 16, 2007

Interviews can be fun!

What a nice time I had, sharing about our life in Christ with the reporter from the Cincinnati Enquirer. The more I prayed about this, the more peace I had with carrying through with the interview. I emerged from the process trusting the reporter and feeling like the shape of what Jesus is doing among us came through to the guy. Thanks, reporterJohn. It was a pleasure to meet you.


  1. Hey Lew, peace, blessing, and joy to you!
    Bro, I have tried to get a hold of ya a couple times. Left some voicemails, some blog comments, etc. It seems you are doing well. May reporter John be transformed by his encounter with you and the holy ones in Northside. I miss ya bro. Maybe we will get to say hey around Christmas. We will be around the week before. I hope you are well man. Peace

  2. John! I love you, man. I mentioned you to the reporter dude and it was all good memories... dude email me! I just tried your old number and it's matt feist! they gave your number to the next dude... whubba...

    grubbykupp"at"gmail, dude...

    we love you guys.

    hey, would you let me know more about third order stuff? What's that all about for you guys?
