Thursday, November 15, 2007

Just old brother lew again

It's been a great last couple of weeks. Going to Lexington, almost visiting Aaron Mansfield, reconnecting with Chris burton from the church i did a spot of youth pastoring at...

...the cincinnati enquirer is looking into replacing our boiler. Yo uall know that our boiler is unsafe and starting to leak and whatnot. bad situation... Well, we've been praying over that for a long time and recently a local pastor who really loves us and what we're about put our name in a drawing for the Enquirer's "Wish List". They selected us, along with a bunch of other groups, and now they're looking into getting us a new boiler...

the total cost looks like 10,000 dollars, of which the Enquirer would provide a portion, up to about 4,000. There is a possibility of a discount or something... who knows what our Lord is up to.

I appreciate the opportunity to talk about Jesus, and being His people, to the newspaper. I'm going to be who I am, mess and all, and keep it real through this. I don't know what to think of us being Jesus people and having the necessary ransom coming from outsiders... I'm uneasy with the missed opportunity for the church to help out...

I'm grateful for the help. but what the heck is this? I thought that the believers would take care of each other. That's what Jesus taught us. This is a shame. isn't it? Will we really be accepting the help of our local NEWSPAPER to keep us in heat while we do hospitality and teach the word of the Lord? The more I think about that, the less easy it sits with me.

Lord, please bless the generosity of souls who are giving sacrificially to support ministry in Cincinnati. Bless hearts.

pray for me, all you guys out there who do the prayer thing, that I could open my mouth for Jesus in all this.

and hey, would you christian types out there please do a gut check to make sure you're living out your religion in keeping with the teaching of Jesus? Please?

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