Friday, November 16, 2007

Another Great Thursday Night

last night, thursday, we had our second "men's table" time at the Chase House... Sam, Chris and I got into the word on topics ranging from wisdom, honesty, integrity, HELL, the existence of the spiritual realm, and a testimony of a resurrection from the dead in Myanmar (Burma).

There are fewer memories sweeter to me, in my sojourn among Jesus' People, than sitting around a table with a few disciples, together, learning at the feet of the Master.

One interesting thing that got said was:

If you put me into a press and pushed me hard, I'd probably answer your questions about the Scriptures to the tune of a fundamentalist. I believe that the Scripture has been preserved in translation through the ages... I believe all manner of things because I believe Scripture...all manner of things that folks might find "bizarre" or even terrible...

Why do I believe in these things? Because its easy for me. I'm a believer. I believe in Him. I believe Scripture. Why am I a believer? I'll blog about that on Lewminator, now.

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