Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Aaron Independence Hall

Aaron Independence Mall
Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
"The great german rescue from Philly" continues to be a source of great memories for us. it was a three day trip to snatch Katy from the Jaws of Difficulty (Lia, too). they were so wassted by their experience there that we HAD to hit Rehoboth beach, where I visited John Wallis adn bought my Dogtown longboard!

It made the world smaller to me to do that trip. I feel connected to my old friend who moved away. I finished an English and culture course with Saida and Malika, on the trip. I enjoyed my boys, got my feet wet, gave hospitality to foreigners, skated like 3 miles with Seth on my back, saw night surf, watched all of JW's 15 kids frolic in the sand and surf... It was WONDERFUL! thank ya lord!

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