Thursday, August 11, 2005

St. Bernard Mini-Park

St. Bernard Mini-Park
Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
these are the street 'stacles here. crowded and too close to the bowl, much fun can be had. the park's micro small and a lot of folks hate it, but it has its place in our world.

One big deal is that there's a whole bunch of grafitti on it, now. all the signs are defaced, the garbage cans are messed up... it's a mess. I wonder if the city won't 'doze it in a year or so if there's no improvement.

I'm contemplating getting under an effort to create a skate park here, in Northside. I'd like to push for the creation of a concrete park in a drainage area, somewhere. I'd go for classic, with large, loping lines, a simple, classic bowl with a pool-shape.

I'd love to start a non-profit skateshop to fund the extension of the park's phases, too. Something high quality, with a lot of old school/new school fusion. Best of both worlds-style...

And I'd love to equip a demo-team out of local hardcores, too. Get some of the guys to put Northside on the map. That way we'll "capture" skate culture and Northside will become central in a skattered scene.

Do I dare hope? All tell me I'm gonna waste time.

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