Thursday, August 18, 2005

Home again

It's early morning and i'm just getting the kids down for bed... I hope they sleep really long, tomorrow. I have 6am Bible Study with the guys, too... I think I'll be alone, though. Just called JP and he's just gotten off work. So I'll get some shuteye, head to the Sidewinder (moving the location) and crack my big old Jerusalem Bible for some time in the Word.

Took the German boys (Tim and Paul) to Arkanum, north of dayton, last night. Had an incredible time with some folks up there, playing guitar. We sat around and these guys were really good and I could just fade into it and play... I really want to say thanks to all who helped to get us the Black Beauty...

This evening, from 8 to 1130, I took t&P to the Florence Skatepark to show them about skating in America. Younger folk mocked me as I rode the Dogtown Pinstripe Longboard I picked up in DE. I loved it... Thing goes so smoothly! Such fun. Unreasonable. Ungodly! Thank you, God!
Then we went to the airport to try to reclaim Paul's lost bag. Day seven lost. Gonna get a form to fill out for reimbursement from the airline.

I'm really learning a lot of german.

Almost finished a letter to Tom, in prison, today. i miss tom so much. I miss tom so much.

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