Thursday, August 11, 2005

Old Men with Skateboards

Met a guy today on my second visit to the Florence outdoor skatepark... Mark. He's older than me by about 12 years, grayer, with a more advanced paunch than my "starter kit paunch". He's out there with his shirt tucked into his pants, his insulin pump on his hip, pulls out a dogtown bullet from his car... wide trucks, soft wheels... seriously old school...

I freak out! get talking to him, he takes me to his car and WOW! He's got a like 55 inch longboard! It's like as tall as me! So I am showing him my new one, he's showing me his...

I predict a total renaissance of longboarding and old-school style. We're tired of bustin our shins on stuff. Let's feel some wind! Three years and there'll be a wave of land surfing...

So, turns out mark'o's a pastor. So we're thinkin on starting an old-guy hill bomber club... coming soon...

I love the connections I'm getting by just BEING out there... I get hurt a lot, but I really feel like the Spirit's saying, "get out there and be salt, man!"

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