Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I think of the bullets.

I think of the bullets.
Bullets scare me less than living cold to Jesus. Matthew 25 doesn't leave us any wiggle room.

If you love Jesus you'll (Romans 12:16) "Treat everyone with equal kindness; never be condescending but make real friens with the poor. do not allow yourself to become self-satisfied."

yes, some bullets flying around are less dangerous to me than the slumber of complacency. Bullets will send me to heaven, or fit me for it through trials of infirmity. Bullets would leave my sons a legacy of sacrifice and risk for the King, who risked all glady to sacrifice everything he had, everything he was. He did it to call us to similar heroics! I'm not shy to say it, God is looking for us to be heroic and leave complacency behind.

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