Wednesday, August 17, 2005

New Prayer Gathering

At six am on Mondays and Wednesdays, there's an opportunity for leaders of ministries in Northside/Cincinnati to meet at the Sidewinder Cafe, on Hamilton Ave...

This morning, I got up at 530am, jumped on the longboard and scooted down. gary and joanne from North Church were there. Gary works with City Cure, a big outreach to cincinnati. Very famous, city Cure... Joanne is an "urban missioner" with the Presbyterian Church... It's cool... Gary does Youth Ministry at North. Joanne, too. They are bringing in "interns" to work with ministries in the neighborhood. It's probable that their interns will join in our learning from Jesus, on the streets here...

Still processing a great ride last night, up and down Chase, at 11pmish... I love the way people are out. I know they're supposed to be up to no good, but they're just so "available". The guys who yelled out to me as I passed them on my board were likely to have been trying to just be friendly! I'm serious... I think racism and fear are ground deep into us who have been raised in affluence. don't we remember that we're all going to die, anyway? Why not try finding out that you weren't in so much danger as you thought.

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