Saturday, April 5, 2008

excerpt from this week

researching identity theft and preparing to help someone regain their finances from it...

...researching top Job leads to help local teens get their feet on the ground...

...counseling to young marriages and new parenting...

...teaching in Bible Studies all over the place...

...availability to conversation with neighbors who are... our neighbors! We're supposed to LOVE them, and so often hardly know them...

...working with Welcome Home to help a local family get their feet on the ground, out of extreme poverty. extreme...

meetings... there are so many scheduled meetings in a week...

...regaining my footing with the skatepark company i've started working with, after a 12 day hiatus for a trip to the Philippines...

...jetlag and a cold...

...the joy of my kids, every day. i LOVE picking them up from school every day at 330. It is a high-point and I crave it like a drug. What a joy, this lifestyle of work from home and Ministry in our own neighborhood...

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