Friday, April 11, 2008

The Poor: Pastors and the Word

Pastors don't minister the Word without compromise. I'm talking about major compromise, here.

I mean, how many sermons have you heard that confront greed with a scathing insight? that really peel the skin off a greedy man?

...and how many times have you been in a meeting where there was church discipline of the adultery and greed that are carrying us downstream?

no matter how many times you have, it doesn't make much difference if we're still going downstream, does it?

We need to return to the Word of God and Obey our master and sovereign, Jesus. Then the refreshings will fall from heaven.

If you're a faithful pastor who ministers with integrity and shepherds with authority and love from our Savior, don't chicken out. Press in and do the work of the Word and prayer among your people.

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