Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Poor: Intro

A good friend recently asked me to do some thinking and praying, and to share with him about "The Poor" and how Christianity/Christians interface with "them".

There have been many movements and ministries launched, a lot of books written, money raised and speakers paid to deal with this issue, yet the lions share (ironic metaphor?) of American christians have no daily contact, much less discipleship relationship, or friendship with people below their socio-economic status. Why is this? What's the deal? What the heck?

With all that we find from Old Testament to New Testament about "the poor", what should we as individual beleivers, and we as the church Body, be believing and doing (one without the other is dead)?

I am going to share some "raw thought" out here on the web, in hopes of stimulating discipleship among a wider listenership than I have in my daily life... So here come quick posts with individual "bites" of teaching and ideas about "The Poor".

Please receive these for what they are: thoughts shared to stimulate our growth. OUR growth: I'm growing here, too. That's what is so fun about blogging: we do it for ourselves, too.


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