Friday, April 11, 2008

The Poor: The Power

in the last post I ended with a quote from the timothies about form and power... read that.
1 Tim 3:1-5

Be dismayed and amazed at how much of that behavior and mindset is PREVALENT among present-day MINISTRIES in their daily office life. Have you seen it? God sees it all. Now is the time for ministers and ministries to purge themselves of the flesh and the deeds of the flesh.

judgment starts at the house of God...

because of the increase of wickedness the love of many will grow cold (mat. 24).
and look at how cold we are. We don't even KNOW how to faithfully and obediently handle hospitality and ministry to the poor among the churches! Group after Group squanders their opportunities, their mind set on the things of men, not the things of God...

the power of God is found in the simplicity of obedience to Jesus Christ, in the Church, daily. But with "Church" defined as a meeting, whose success is defined by attendance and collection numbers... the Power will not be manifest...

behold the things the american church can do... without God.

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