Friday, April 11, 2008

The Poor: the Flow

where you live
where you move
who eats at your table
who sleeps over
where your extra goes...

these things are claimed by God for the support of the saints in the Body, that the church may manifest the teaching of Jesus, embodied. What? is it too challenging for pastors to command the rich to be generous and not trust in wealth? (1 Timothy 6)

a flow of resources, impelled by God's love in our hearts (1 John 3:16-20) and a disposition toward obedience to Jesus' commands in our minds (2 Cor.10:5)

...this flow--from the rich to the poor (Jas.1: 9-10) will PROVE that JEsus is our Lord! This is a manifestation, a fruit, of the love we have for him who loved us and gave himself for us... so now we live with our hearts set on His Kingdom, and we live differently than we used to.

try to lay up a fat account for tomorrow with this kind of teaching going on! You'll end up rich toward God, depending on Him daily, and joining the Hebrews 11 parade!

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