Tuesday, December 7, 2004

wanted to share with you this morning:

we're getting a ton done on the house! Dec.10-20th are "work days" here at the Chase House... feel welcome to call and come to work with us...

there's a growing vision for a... a LIFE... not a "ministry" in the sense of "Jesus is coming back... look busy", but a LIFE in the Holy Spirit... Kingdom Come stuff...

Not starting a new church, but BEING the church that Jesus started way back... i don't think it's revolutionary at all. it's "follow-ey"... it's about leaving my good ideas at the door and hitting face to floor, daily... the fallout from that, times all the people doing it... equals Kingdom Come Community...

I look at "our people". They're not "ours" in a possessive sense. We don't derive our identity from them. They're "ours" because they love us (the rosses and JP) and we love them... They take care of us... We are an arena for them to participate in redemptive love... We offer them, not expertise, but vulnerable honesty and humble participation in the King's Life...

We're seen as "out there". I'm seen as "out there"... Well, I love you. Can I come in? Will you care for me? Look at how Jesus was cared for by those rich ladies... Amazing. The guy was a mendicant!


Tabler with Sinners.


Associate of Rabble...

He was so irresponsible, wasting the Message of God's love on rabble. missing his opportunity with the powerful and influential... Look how he healed that one Centurion's servant. Would've been a great springboard for a jump into the Gentile market... Look how he raised the Synagogue ruler's daughter. Could've really changed things if he mentioned that the day they accused him...

He was a great fool and a weak ruler... Toweling up and washing feet. Soft.

Anyone mind if i follow? Why do I care? Because we're all attached by His love... His love in me needs His love in You! We are called a body. One part hurts... another part grieves...

I've skateboarded for twenty years. This week i literally had to walk with a cane. My feet are just flattened out and stiffened up... They just really don't work well, lately... ( i know that they'll probably get healed and all, no sweat! seriously, i'm not worried--and anyway, weaknesses aren't a bad thing, they're a good thing) and it showed me a real way that when a small part of the body is sore, the whole thing is hurting... my knees, hips, back... all the way to my shoulders! Not too bad or anything, i don't want you sweatin' it. I still go out and skate, too. It makes no sense to stop. There's too much joy in it, as well as hangin' with my son, and rubbin' shoulders with "riffraff"...

Anyway, that's what it's like today. We're spiritually drained, but don't know why. We lack zeal and passion, but don't know a way "in"... The poor remain uncared for... kingdom men and women remain loners... the depressed remain low... wounds remain unbound... AND WE DON'T KNOW WHY.

It's like there's some lost mystery, and we're trying to solve it by showing up at all the available meetings. The meetings are great, but the LOVE is what we crave... the love is out there. in the poor. in giving it all away for the King! The Love is in there. In your heart. You did receive it when you first believed. Tap into it. it'll flow plenty big, no sweat...

Hey, come look at our neighborhood. Move here. Love here... Or visit us and pray with us... or come help us make a difference here... we need lots of help... lots of love... do you love us?


Tuesday, November 30, 2004


i went there like two weeks ago... i've been visiting there sometimes. it's a very expensive presentation church, y'know? major digits go into everything they do. Sometimes (always) that's really hard for me to stomach, y'know? So much poverty and difficulty in so many christian communities, and such potential kingdom witness if we just got that down and forsook the good ideas for God's giving love idea...

But i went there, like i usually do sunday mornings, with my kids... to put them in some safe class or group type thingy so they can play and have fun with kids... to put my rump in a chair with free coffee and sit with others and talk about jesus and the kingdom (i love the modern day synagogues--so much space to get high on caffeine and sit and talk--crossroads has a GREAT open atrium/cafe style thingy...)...

bit of grammar bind here...

anyway, I've been on a high horse before about how the american church blah blah... and we all know it... but lately, as i have sat in crossroads' atrium talking with others about Jesus (there isn't a time when god doesn't send someone to have a time with me), or when i sit in the big show and watch the professional sound and lights, movie clips perfectly timed, and good physiques and grooming, I've been hearing something...

Lub dub, lub dub...

As I'm dropping my kids into their little classes with the kids and all these volunteers are scurrying around, loving it!

Lub dub, lub dub...

I'm freaking out, because it's Gods heart!

There's love in the house!

Now i know that when Jesus returns, he'll be sorting out the stuff on how we loved Him and each other, and how the shepherds acted on their beat. And i know that's a part of my ministry, to warn and help us all to that end...



not but...


Our father is not entirely displeased, more, He is overjoyed, by the love of his kids who simply put it out there for him, loving kids and playing music...

Shepherds, teachers, leaders, will all be judged for how they acted about these days,

but the kids who love god, be they shepherds, sheep or pete, will Rock On!


So, that's what I got outta that...

No anonymous comments.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Good Morning Everybody! Each Sunday for the last few months, I've loaded up the kids and gone to one of our many local churches. These are pics of our Weekday drive to school, but this is such a beautiful day that I wanted to share it with you today...
Vineyard Community Church/Tri-County Vineyard

I love the Vineyard church here... There's such a passion in the worship music, and an intensity to share the love of Jesus with our area through servanthood and simplicity...

This morning I took the girls and Seth to VCC (I visit a lot of churches, since we meet in our minstry at night). Aaron was over at a friend's house. There was a great articulation of the simple truth that God really loves us...

Brother Dave (Workman) also shared how, in Isaiah 53, it's clear that you and I aren't the ones that killed Jesus, but rather it's God who did it. Yep, it's become really popular to say, "I killed Jesus (with my sins)", but the scriptures never say it like that. The Bible says that the Father was pleased to strike Jesus, and put him to death, to ransom us...

God loves you so much that He struck Jesus (himself? or even harder than himself, his own son?) so He could win your heart...

This seems like utter foolishness. But my life is devastated and rebuilt by it. My heart is broken and healed by it... I was dead and now I'm alive.

I've been burned by big church before, but brother dave and Robbie and all the folks that make VCC happen (it's one of the two Cincinnati churches where my 3-yr. old loves to visit) have BLESSED us.

Thank you, Jesus for them. Thank you for using them to strengthen me and set me straight to the task of reaching Northside for Jesus... And who knows what lies on the horizon? Surely if we look straight at Jesus, we'll die well...

The week before, I took the kids to a seeker-sensitive church: Crossroads Community Church. I'll write an article on our experience there, soon.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Sometimes a little host brother and a host sister from Thailand can really get a Turkmen girl mad!

Zara and Pia at Chuck E. Cheese's for JP's B-day. What a change from Turkmenistan and Thailand--an adult B-day at CEC.

This was the first time Zara and Pia got to make Thanksgiving cookies! Aaron was there to help...

much grub... Bobby with a good hat on... JP chillin... Tom's Back...

Some of the Thanksgiving Crew. The rest were in other rooms/at other tables...

Where do you think we had JP (my total brother and ministry partner)'s birthday party? Where else!

Congratulations! Mazel Tov! DanielMatt and Christine Shryock! November 19, 2004!!!
We had JP's birthday, Danielmatt and Christine's wedding, and kitchen installation time, all in one week! Thanks to Justin for wiring the stove! Thanks to Danielmatt and Christine's families for their grace, and thanks to Jesus for making JP the brother who'd rather have chuck e. cheese than anywhere else!

Here's another angle on that new stove... Can't wait to hit those floors!
Hey! We Need your Help!

This is gonna be a great season of HELP!!! This december/January, JP is taking his whole winter break to work on the Mission House. Here, that means that Lew will be pretty much full time helper to him... That means:

SANDING THE FLOORS of all the rooms on the first floor, except Mr. Weiss's quarters.

This is a huge task that will take help from all of us. We need folks to watch Seth and Aaron.

We need money for the Sanding, Cleaning, Staining, and varnishing supplies...

Then... since JP has a whole Month! WE'll...

Paint the meeting room and lobby area!

This means that some of you guys from indianapolis might come in handy!

all of this equals untold quantities of money and manpower. How bout it? who's in?

This is gonna run during the holiday season, so it won't be so easy, but this is the when we have, so we're gonna run with it. It's possible that we might have Christmas all together in a beautiful new meeting area and common kitchen!


There's the stove with new cabinets and a range next to it... Thanks to those who donate appliances and furniture to make this place run!
This has been a great last week or two since I wrote the request for help on the stove... We're well on our way to a great community kitchen in the Chase House... The stove was in and wired for Thanksgiving Day, and what a day that was! We saw a TON of people at the house, eating and sharing in the Joy of the Lord!

thanks to the guys who helped wire in the new stove, and get all the stuff home from home depot, and accompanied the whole "where to put things" stage of it all...

It was a terriffic thanksgiving day!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Help! Stove/Oven Installation!!!!

is there anyone out there that wants to come and help us get our stove and oven in before Thanksgiving? It includes the installation of a 220v line, some light carpentry, and the like... This will kick-off our first complete kitchen in the Chase House. Until now, we've combined the 2/3rd oven on the third floor, the working range on the 2nd floor, and the sink and dishwasher on the first floor (all floors have fridges).

I know that a group has been trying to get here from GCF in Wilmore, KY. Thanks for loving us!

Monday, November 15, 2004

Seth drank bleach...

We had the paramedics here on Sunday night. Seth accidentally drank some diluted bleachwater in a sippy cup. Just a sip and he hurled and coughed and threw up some more... It must have hurt. I don't know.

but it's hard to describe the powerlessness you feel in those moments, while poison control has you on hold, before paramedics arrive, while your little buddy's retching and you're afraid he has terrible burns in his mouth... i curled up on the floor for just a moment and told jesus i can't wait for him to come again...

as we realized that Seth was not injured badly, and that this wasn't serious, i began to feel that feeling about all the little kids tonight who are injured badly, for whom "it" is serious... the little ones in the Sudan, and other places like that, and here, where there is so much resource and so little sharing...

i know that a lot of people who read this are people who pray for us. thanks. let's pray that there'll be some serious love to those little ones... this is gonna hurt, to see them and love them in their pain.

We had a great sunday night. the church joined the tail end of our chaos, and Seth was up and running. We ate delicious soup and desserts. it was great. And Mr. Weiss is leaving for China this morning, so we prayed for him and the church there. He's going to preach in an illegal house church for 10 days. surely he'll be encouraging and equipping more than just that one group, too...

and matt and christine are getting married this week. I'll do the wedding with a bro named Wes, on Friday.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Indianapolis and Washington DC

Went to Indy the other day for three days with Aaron (10) and Seth (3), to help out on Micah and Marla's house... They are church planting pastor couple there... They are the real deal in people who go beyond the brink to live out the church dream... that we love one another... They're in an experiment that includes sunday mornings, house church, much love and reaching out in love daily to everyone they meet... they're shockingly devoid of pretense and draw tons of unlikelies to an experience of the Grace of God... Their church community has lots of questions and are willing to follow Jesus where he leads... a great time...

Went to Wash. DC with our exchange org. the other day too... brought the whole family and the girls got to hang with other students and see the sights... loved our time, because I had the kids and all their travel to myself. we got it right and didn't have any big problems in the high security environment of the airports...

As for the ministry stuff... it's really a wierd zone for me now... these are the days before an explosion of grace in Cincinnati... There'll be so much happening not far from now, that we'll be swamped and I'll miss the days when we didn't know what we were doing.

I would love for some mission minded christians to visit us as friends this winter, after the holidays, when things calm down for you, and share a bit of life and we'll pray and share... There are cool developments of vision and insight about the big house...

There's a wedding in our community this week. Friday night (thursday rehearsal). I need to get a suit and shoes... had two loaners, but they won't do. totally not right for a wedding, the one, and the other is too small... funny stuff... wearing suits and all that... mercy. Lord, help all those people who are thinking that one thing and getting Jesus in a whole different way...

Thanks to all the people who are willing to help us turn the big house into a community center... We'll be working this winter and spring to get the floors out from under the carpet, and get the kitchen and dining room up and running on the main floor... It's gonna be great to fill this place with love...

Rockin' on.

Thursday, November 4, 2004

you know what's hard? when someone leaves an anonymous comment on a blog entry that has a corrective, or confrontational tone. gives a brother writers block... I'm going to keep trying to share my heart and life online here. If you want to talk about something you think is wrong, be a family member and drop a comment that you want to talk and we'll email...


I met a guy the other day at KFC: his name's will. He was surprised that I was talking to him. Here, if a white guy is just talking to a black guy, it's wierd. there's a lot of racism here.

Anyway, I'm talking to Will about voting and all. It was a great conversation to me, because I got to connect with the guy and smile and just enjoy him. I like these neighbors of mine. Each one is so beautiful to me. sounds syrupy, sorry... but it's where I'm at on this. Jesus loved and died for each of them that day, and here we are today, me and Him and we're carrying the torch.

Pray for will to know Jesus' love and break to it...

Here in Cincinnati the weather is changing... There are warm/cool days... a mild fall with some rain, but mostly it's beautiful... The election is over and we're glad...

That served to connect us a bit more with our neighborhood as we attempted to make connections with a local grassroots organization to help get out the Afr.Am. (read "afram" for convenience) vote...

Northside, Cincinnati...Cinci...Cinti...Cin...da'nati... our neighborhood. da 'hood.

it's full of folks and they're struggling... we're struggling... i see pain on the faces of women who work three jobs and have two house payments and something in litigation going on... there is a high transience level here... folks move in and get evicted, and move on... most people around the Chase House don't stay long...

Please pray, God's Children, for all the souls in our neighborhood. There is a storefront church like every block, but there's not a lot of warmth around. The drug dealers are "there for you, kid", but the churches require proper conformity and good attendance, and many of them are really cultic...

i mean that. there are a lot of very "splinter" groups that have put out the shingle in Northside. Radical stuff that mixes up all kinds of religions and bulldogs on obscure doctrines to define itself...

God told me that if we wait on Him and follow His instructions, He'll make us a "mass mailing of living letters" to the world.

It's good to begin to connect with my neighborhood. Pray for it to go step by step.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

There are so many things tearing at my heart's life in Christ, lately... good marriages take work and prayer, and are the testing ground of professed faith. I've managed by God's grace to press in over the last few weeks in spiritual disciplines, yet I feel more deeply broken and needy...

I guessI held the vain, evil opinon against which I have so often spoken, that life in Christ means esase of living and freedom from sorrow... but freedom from sorrow is freedom from passion--a fate worse than death

My flesh bleeds on the work of the day. My soul revolts against submission to the cross... That cross awaits me in the home, especially now that we're looking down the barrel of some major decisions: Judy's getting a promotion at CIEE, which will make her the major breadwinner and me the "housemaster"...

Ill have to take the bull by the horns and twist that monster to the ground, or I'll end up with a "tiger by the tail" with the dailies stripping me of spiritual discipline and ministry work...

As far as Grubby Kupp goes, 2Cor.8:10 is ringing in my head from a dream that I had a year ago...

and it sparks more dreams...

A house with young men living in community and mission "in the 'hood". Call them, Lord!

A 3-Car building for car-repair ministry to the Body and our neighborhood... This is one of the single greatest needs in our area. People like DanielMatt and Christine, JP, Sarah, Single moms in the 'hood, gangstas nearby, all need help.

A halfpipe for skate ministry at the house.

Waterballoon mayhem youth ministry startup in spring...

youth movie nights at the 3rd floor theater in the Chase house...

For people to deeply devote to Christ and live cheap, work less, quit the ratrace, and get their lives into the 'hood, with each other, put feet on street...


Monday, October 25, 2004

This week, i looked at Moses a bit. He was very afraid and frustrated. Right in the beginning of his walk with God, God came to kill him because of something about all that. It's hard to understand for us, but I'm seeing it... in me.

I've been saying lately that Moses' life and service to God destroys the idea that if we serve God, we'll emerge "unscathed"... The terrible shock that we're wounded and "that's gonna leave a mark!"

Moses was definitely "scathed".

Jesus was definitely "scathed". So why am I still so freaked out when I get "scathed", even in the smallest ways? Why are you? We're growing up. It's time to pick up the cross. Pray it for me. Do it for you. Same here back atchya...

freak out,


Monday Morning...

Thinking of you sitting there at your computer, trying to get at what it is that grubbykupp is all about. Thinking about how we're just trying to be a people who wait, listen, hear, and obey...

There are people in our group who are praying on weekdays at the house, and this morning there was a word from Psalm 81

"...my people did not listen to my voice;

Israel would not submit to me.

So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts,

to follow their own counsels.

O that my people would listen to me,

that Israel would walk in my ways!"

We're in a place of repenting from years of trying to live the life in Christ by our best ideas...by our "own counsels".

In Isaiah 50:10-11, There is a scary condemnation of people who light their own fires to guide themselves through the adversity of darkness, contrasted with those who walk by trust and reliance in the dark, the whole way through.

We're in a place of repenting from years, even generations of Christianity lived by the light of fires like these... So little of the work of the Gospel in our country is founded in trust and reliance--Listening... Mostly it's based in Thinking!

Mostly it's been based in thinking up our best ideas and calling them the call. So we're stopping and sitting down and listening and quieting our souls before Him to hear what He wants.

there has been a lot of little friction that has been showing us how we need to really work with God toward unity and peace among us. Seriously, it seems like we can't go ten steps without someone really getting torn by each other... We are full to the brim, it seems to me, with selfishness and fear.

Some time ago, I got undone on us trying to transport some office equipment. I got my nickers in a twist because of it and I've been having to learn to repent and get free of the world's values in me... You should have seen me. You would have been mad at me.

Our Sunday Night Meetings are really becoming sacred time and sacred space in our lives... Mr. Weiss brought a teaching on THE FEAR OF GOD last night. I can see that we all need to soak in this, more. It's the cure for selfishness and folly.

Today is SETH ROSS'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

He's three and we're all going to Chuck E. Cheese's for the party, this afternoon. Tom and a whole bunch from GK will laugh it up with him and AAron and all of us, there.

You know, this is one of the things I'm loving the most. Our people are in our house, yes, but they're also becoming family with us. Last night, Tom stayed over and got waked up by people praying in the big room at 6am...

Last Friday, we had a Bible study at 7am in our downstairs kitchen.

Someone donated a much-needed stove!

Another family has given me a desk, and donated a loveseat and two chairs to the meeting space...

There are many needs, here. We know that the Lord will bring everything together in His time.

Pray for me to be patient. It's hard for me to see so far ahead and then have a broken bannister... Want a view into my mind? I have this broken bannister and about 20 other small carpentry jobs... I could do them--POORLY and SLOWLY... But i'm busy trying to stay in the Word and Prayer, so I look at them each day and they look back at me and Satan gives them voice to call me the names I heard in gradeschool, over and over, all day...

I need this bannister so I can conquer foes I fled in the past.

I know that God will send the shelving and repairs, and all that in his time... In the meantime, I find these times mean. I mean that they bring to surface the miserly and mean spirit of my heart, shooing me into grace. They mean that I have need of discipline... Pray that I learn.

We got new tires on the Toyota, JP's escort, and the REPAIR VAN. Do you know why we call it the repair van? All of you who have given so we could get it back on the road know why. Please pray. It's transmission (it's 2nd) seems a bit out of whack lately...

But new tires are really great! I don't know thelast time I got them. But they rule. I mean, I don't slide around and the bumps aren't as sharp... Thanks Andre and Co.

Tonight, Andre is coming over to work on cars and share a meal and play guitar... Andre is a guy who is a mechanic and loves to help folks...

Peace to you from Lew on behalf of the Grubby kupp crew.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Don't laugh. It keeps rain off and adds "mystique".

Hermano Calvo... that's Spanish for "bald brother"...
What can I say about these days? The rains have come to CIncinnati and so far, I like it... I've owned this leather cowboy/indiana jones-style hat for over a decade and, like, I never wear it 'cos I'm embarrassed to... But the day before yesterday I got it down and mink oiled it up and today I wore it out to Starbucks for Bible Study. It didn't rain, so I felt kinda sheepish. Plus, it leaves a funny red "ring" on my head... You see, I started shaving my head this week because I'm just tired of messin' with it and it's so CLEAN! So i don't get hat hair. i get hat head. Looks like I had a lobotomy or my brain got replaced... So, I try to choose "low impact" hats, with soft bands... But there's no avoiding it... So, after ten years, I'm hatted in leather cowboy style...

Do you think that's related to the fact that I sang a johnny cash song at GCF, last week?

I think most of the Work of the Spirit in this group has been internal journey for the last year or so... Our little huddle of souls has come to include incredible testimonies and foe-vanquishing faith. There has been no sense of "outreach", only a sense of desire for the Spirit to come and teach us to love...

Jn 17:20 "I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me

That the world would recognize Him when WE have unity like His with the Father. THis is huge, as we (the grubbykupp crew) press in to know Him and find, of all things, EACH OTHER, there before the throne...

The very same ones who let us down and disappoint our souls in daily life (not major betrayal of sin, just the simmering pot of inadequacy and limitedness), are worshipping there... profaning the Presence!

This is the scandal that we're overcoming in Christ--that he has once again enfleshed himself, by the Spirit being in "one another"... treating one another like a temple.

At the house, we're gearing up for activity as resources become available. There is a stove on the line that we'll pick up this weekend, it looks like. There's the question of building an island in the kitchen for the stove to be in, as well as tearing out carpet, refinishing the first floor oak floors, repairing the pocket door tracks, painting everything, cabinets, counters, shelves, dehumidifying and organizing the basement for resource storage, getting the Rosses moved in on the 2nd floor better, setting up the office (thank you God for the copier), and the like...

So there's a bit of outward journey arising. The challenge in my heart is to do it all in the Love, joy, peace, patience... of the Spirit...

If there's gonna be dischord and anger, bickering and fighting, we'd better just shut it down...

but we won't have to, because He is able to make us One. One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God...One God...

Pax Cristi cum spiritis vobis

May the peace of Christ be with your spirits

Tom-o chillin at Rohs Street Cafe in Clifton, Cinci. These are the marketplaces we preach in...

8x10 painting at the Rohs St. Cafe. I sit under this one to write these.

6am Tom at Clifton 'bucks.

6am starbucks... JP crackin the word on sleepy skulls... Mercy!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

We're so grateful for the chance to visit the Great Commission Fellowship in Wilmorek, KY. They are the first church to send me and Judy out as missionaries, commissioned to preach the Good News. Now we had a chance to come back and share. Cool beans in Christ, eh?

Keenan Trimble, youngest of 3, captured our hearts. Zara couldn't put him down! It was a great time. Notice JP. Notice my son, Aaron. Not very cute. Now notice Keenan. See? Cute!

She's gotta be Abby! The Trimbles are a missionary heart family if ever there was one. They have labored the last few years to make sure the missionaries of GCF get care. We're so thankful for their connectivity.

Eldest Trimble Child, either Rachel or Abigail. I'm thinkin' Rachel.

Dave and Melissa Trimble: our hosts for the night. Great Red Curry Melissa! Thanks!

Lew, JP, Zara, Keenan Trimble, Aaron, Piyanan, Dave Trimble, Rachel, Abigail, all out in the sun on a cold Fall Sunday Morning before Church on Sunday... Sharing in Church was fun. I sang a Kris Kristofferson song, "Lord Help me Jesus".

JP, the shamelessly fatigued, at the GCF Ministry Center, where we enjoyed delicious fare after the Church Service.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Visit to GCF, Wilmore KY

Lew, JP, Zara, Piya, and Aaron went down to KY to the Great Commission Fellowship, this past weekend. Lew did a 5 minute talk on Sun. Am. Played a johnny cash song. Aaron jumped on a trampoline at the Trimble's house. All ate great food. Zara decided she wants to be a christian. JP was shamelessly exhausted the whole time...

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

i don't know if Aaron ate any cicadas, but i think this one tried to drink from his eye... yuck.. sorry.

I think JP enjoyed the cicadas even more than we did...

Dr. Eric and Lew enjoying a tequila/lime cicada meal, back when we first moved to Chase house...

These are a bunch of brothers who are "with us" in the love... Adam, Ryan (both recently cast into the ministry), Paulscout (seriously gentle giant in Christ) and me... Lew

Here's the whole fam. Check out www.grubbykupp.msn.com for updates on us, too.


yeah, that's not an msn.com... that's my email! it's www.grubbykupp.blogspot.com

2 Cor.11:3

The Map Room

Last night I went down to Old Saint George in Clifton--That's a monastery/cathedral that got turned into a coffee bar/community center/bookstore... Anyway, there was this thing there that was organized by my friend john wallis who does this thing called josiah's window around the university--he's the American Baptist Campus minister guy, recently appointed with a radical vision for old school love in Christ... It was a great event last night! There was this whole cathedral, with the center open, with coffee and cookies yum-yum... And in the front of that was this cool video about God and His love and what it means to really live as a Christian... it had U2 in it... very cool, very stripping of the soul... Then on the sides there were sectioned off parts for Prayer, Chilling on Couches, Stations for praying that were really interacive, and this "labrynth" thing that was really cool... My kids, Aaron and Seth (Zara and Pia stayed home) were totally there, too... it worked! They enjoyed the whole time, and we were there for like 4 hours!!! This thing'll be going every month. It was great and I loved it... Thanks John and Larry and Lilly and everyone who did it... It really rocked in spiritual encouragement...

Last night I went down to Old Saint George in Clifton--That's a monastery/cathedral that got turned into a coffee bar/community center/bookstore... Anyway, there was this thing there that was organized by my friend john wallis who does this thing called josiah's window around the university--he's the American Baptist Campus minister guy, recently appointed with a radical vision for old school love in Christ...

It was a great event last night! There was this whole cathedral, with the center open, with coffee and cookies yum-yum... And in the front of that was this cool video about God and His love and what it means to really live as a Christian... it had U2 in it... very cool, very stripping of the soul...

Then on the sides there were sectioned off parts for Prayer, Chilling on Couches, Stations for praying that were really interacive, and this "labrynth" thing that was really cool...

My kids, Aaron and Seth (Zara and Pia stayed home) were totally there, too... it worked! They enjoyed the whole time, and we were there for like 4 hours!!!

This thing'll be going every month. It was great and I loved it... Thanks John and Larry and Lilly and everyone who did it... It really rocked in spiritual encouragement...

Tuesday, October 5, 2004

What does childlike trust look like to you? This week, I've really been thinking on 2 Cor.11:3

by Ching Co, Philippines

September 28, 2004

Today, during my Bible reading time, the Holy Spirit quickened these words to me from Isaiah 55:8,11 (New Living Translation), "My thoughts are completely different from yours, and my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine...It is the same with my word, I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it."

As I was meditating on these words, I saw in my mind a multitude of God's people, and in their minds/hearts they were asking/thinking about these thoughts: "Does what I do really matter?? Am I making any difference at all??" Each one of these saints were enclosed in a bubble.

At this point, I felt a quickening in my heart and sensed the Lord speaking these impressions to me:

"Yes, what you do in obedience to me matters. Its effect goes beyond the sphere of what you can possibly think or even imagine. It is destroying strongholds and breaking down spiritual barriers, preparing the way for My Spirit to move in greater measure."

"Your Prayers and Love are Affecting Not Only Your Own..."

Pictures of people flashed through my mind.

Parents loving and praying for their wayward children.

Husbands and wives living with difficult spouses as they continued to love them/submit to them as God has led.

Pastors and ministers crying out for their sheep and spiritual wards.

Spiritual children crying out for their pastors.

All types of people carrying difficult burdens, living under difficult circumstances, all crying out to God while doing the best they can in response to God's leading where they are now.

All feeling tired, vulnerable, and wondering if their situations will ever change, if their prayers will ever be answered, if all their labor and effort is making any difference at all in the lives of those they are called to minister and labor in.

As I continued to watch scene after scene of people crying out to the Lord flashing in my mind, I sense a battle going inside my heart. A tug of war of different emotions and thoughts. Forcing myself to be still, these words like cool refreshing water to my thirsty soul flooded in. May these words bring the same healing to those who need to hear them today:

"Tell my people that all will be well with them. Lift up your eyes heavenward. For the battles you are fighting are greater than just your own. When you love your wayward children, you are not just loving your own, your love is breaking down barriers in the hearts of many other wayward children. Because you have chosen to love, the others, too, will be set free by the love you pour down on your own.

When husband and wife continue to love and submit to each other.

When shepherds and sheep choose to walk in my ways no matter how lonely and difficult these paths may be.

When you choose to trust and believe me despite the sicknesses, difficulties, and trials you are facing in your midst, you are not doing it just for your own, either; you are helping me restore order to a chaotic society, establishing my value system in the world, planting my seeds in the hearts of men, and bringing healing to many broken families."

"A Great Purpose is Being Accomplished""Every day that you choose to obey and follow me, your labor avails much. The heavenly hosts are able to move forward, breaking down strongholds, taking back territories with each step that you take and each tear that you shed.

You are doing much, my children. Lift up your eyes heavenward, for the victory is much greater that you can perceive or imagine."Not all of you will taste and see the victory you so long for in your lifetime. But take heart, your labor will not be vain. Your cries have been heard, your desires will be granted. And great will be the blessings that you will be leaving behind."Like my people from old, you have been called to walk and live like them. Their lives were signs and symbols for their times. It was not only for their own that they lived and walked. It was for a greater purpose. And just as their obedience resulted in great victory, so your faithfulness in what you are doing now is also achieving the same greatness. Again, I say lift up your eyes heavenward, for great things are happening and you are a big part of it."I am pouring out my refreshing spirit upon your souls. Breathe it in. Your soul will be restored, your spirit will once more be lifted up for the battle ahead. Come...come...come...my beloved."

by Sis. Ching Co

Cebu City, Philippines

Thursday, September 30, 2004

And Steven Mingus! And Britt and Rachel! And Meghan! And Jessica! And Brother Dan, Sister Erika, and Isabel!

(add to bottom of Message underneath)

no dissin.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

This is supposed to be a total day off from ministry for me, but I couldn't resist saying how great it is to be in the middle of such a cool family in God. Justin, JP, Bobby, Danielmatt, Christine, Sarah, Prari, Lauren, Janelle, Chris, Kristy, All of you.

Some of us are heading to KY for a very small speaking engagement (5 min. missions moment). It's a great opportunity to get people knowing that there are a bunch of Jesus people who are in Cinci, spying out the land and praying heaven on earth, soon...

bad grammar notwithstanding,


Monday, September 27, 2004

Hey, here's the Ross Family in Toto: Lew, Seth (2), Aaron (10), Judy, Zara (Turkmenistan), Piyanan (Thailand). This pic was taken at CVG (Cincinnati Airport), probably picking up students,or JP and Prari...
Please pray for Lew and the Rosses this week. Lew's taking the week to just listen to God and get household stuff together, like the exchange stuff and fixing the broken handrailing on the back staircase.

There are a ton of household fixers and changers that we'll be dealing with, as well as a ton of office setup things, too. So please keep us in prayer that everything gets done in love...

...because the details kind of tempt me to lose it, and that's not faith and doesn't honor the Lord or help people live...

in fact, last week, a couple of our guys almost burst their spleens picking up a full size office copier machine... It's a great gift that will be used well, but I got really fried and angry during the job because things weren't just as I wanted them to be... I felt really ashamed after and they must have been hurt... I'm still in the process of coming clean to them--guys if you're reading this, I love you and I'm sorry about that heart of self-interest that sabotaged our service to Christ... that's what I really need out of this week, a change of heart, a renewal of faith, a deeper death to life the way I wanted it to be, a more full life in how He wants it... greater patience, kindness, LOVE...


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

This is a pic of Adam Waters, a local church planting man of God, Ryan Adkins (Adam's right hand man), Paul "the Paulscout" Nicolai (all around gentle giant miracle man), John "JP" Parran (Mexico/Kenya Summer Guy), and the Lew-Dog, after a Charlie Hall concert outside Cinci... These guys need your prayer as they are moved in ministry...
The Message, Mat 11:28-29

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

"...about to move..."

Well, there hasn't been a lot of time for blogging, lately. What I want to tell you is that things are really about to move...

In prayer times and counsel with each other and the Holy Spirit, we are all sensing that there is a building storm of activity that is rising up, spiritually.

In the physical sense, there is a build in every aspect of our community. Intensity and regularity of corporate prayer, depth of care for one another, outpourings of support for each other and encouragement in the Word...

Our sunday meetings have become a time of deep and encouraging sharing. We eat for at least an hour and a half, then we sing until we're done. This time of singing is carrying us into a precious experience of Jesus. It's wonderful to sing as a circle of worshippers, rather than as spectators at an event... Then, we start to share the Word from our lives--that's powerful... It's done as a circle of disciples, gathered around the feet of Jesus... Not leaderless, but led by Him. Then, we spend time praying for each other...

During the week, there are times we devote to study, prayer, and fellowship that punctuate a deepening interdependence... The Church is growing, here where there is no church...

Here are some things that have happened this month, though:

Retreats with leaders...listening and praying and sharing about the ministry's development here...

Visits to some friends who are doing stuff like this...

Lots of folks staying over at the house because God's good stuff went too late...

Tons of food together...

Saturday Night prayer times

Sunday night family sharing

Wednesday 6am mens sharing times @ Clifton Starbucks

Thursday night Scripture slam-down at Lookout Joe's

Tuesday night Ladies' time @Lookout Joe's...

Chase Mission House developing into a reall center of community...


For the coming storm of developmental activity that the Holy Spirit has told us about...

For all the discipleship and evangelism that's going on here

For provision

For our brothers and sisters in Kenya

...and for Prari who just came back after 6 months there...

Our kids are well and growing. Judy and Lew are blessed and busy with awesome life stuff... Mr. Weiss is prospering and doing well. JP is living at the Chase House now and doing fine... Our daughters -- Zara and Pianan, who are here for 10 months as high school exchange students-- are really doing well...

we hope you are blessed...


Saturday, August 14, 2004

No Outreaches! (???)

Today I got up nice and early (4am) and went to Starbucks with my friend, Matt. So, we're talking and Matt (please, call him Daniel) says to me, "we oughta get the bbq's out front and bbq with the neighbors... like a block party..." typa talk.

And I get this really strong feeling that I definitely don't wanna do that. So I start to talk from that feeling. I say some pretty confusing (to me) stuff, trying to express what I feel about it...

But here's what it is, kinda:

I dig getting to know my neighbors and having redemptive relationships where I stand for the Gospel as a living letter--where I proclaim the truth in love and am "mailed" to them by Christ. I love that stuff dearly and love the way it pans out...

But I really don't dig "OUTREACH" as a concept of what we "oughta" do. I don't seehow that works. I know how many people's lives have been absolutely changed by a free bottle of water on a hot day from a group of Christians on "outreach". I hear the stories all the time, always told by the leaders of the "outreach", trying to get us to commit to more "outreach".

And I do that kind of stuff. I love to do just that kind of stuff. And I think that Jesus likes it when people do that kind of stuff. But there's a more 24/7 version of it that i'm getting sold out to. A 24/7 version that displaces my value for the good feelings and "beyond the comfort zone" satisfaction that "outreaches" give me.

And I'm hungry to see more people discover this 24/7 love lifestyle. To see HOMES become bases of Love and real life, keeping it real with Jesus. This is deep, and pushes out the concept of "outreach" on Saturday afternoon as satisfaction of the Great Commission.

That's it! Satisfaction of the Great Commission! It just so ISN'T "outreach". It's a life ablaze... And that's so not me. "Outreach" I can do, because it begins and ends at a certain hour and after, we all feel so good... And I will do that! I'm not quitting! And none of you should, either... But there's something so incredible that awaits us if we'll SEEK THE LORD in prayer.

We don't see this kind of "outreach" in the Bible. Instead, the book of Acts describes a COMMUNITY, ablaze with the bewildering power of God! It started with pursuit and waiting in prayer, and Galatians was written to keep it one.

Yep, a lot of what's going on there is Galatian. That is to say, flesh-inspired. Sorry. It's true.

So, we're committing to stoking up the prayer meeting and the community gathered instead of the BBQ.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Yesterday we had a Bible Study at 6am in the Clifton Starbucks. It was super to get into the Word deep with a few brothers... Let's keep that up! That's good stuff...

Sunday last week was intense! There was a serious word from Acts 6 and 7, and we spent the time after it in total worship and prayer... Some were filled for the first time. Some got word from the Father...

We're waiting in Jerusalem for the Promise. That's it.

Prayer this Saturday Night.

Arrivals between 8pm and 1am.

We pray till we're done!

This Saturday.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

so john writing here from the lovely land o' kenya. yep, that's right....kenya. felt the Lord was calling me to pay a visit to our sister prari and the body down here on the equator and so i bought a ticket and shipped out. it's been one killer roller coaster and i've been loving ever bit of it. i guess the biggest things i'm learning about are just how deep our faith goes. like when jesus says we can ask for anything in his name, does he really mean that? can we still ask for stuff like healings and miracles? from what i've seen and experienced, it seems to me the answer is a definite yes. i've seen some amazing things happen here....stuff like aids victims being TOTALLY healed, money showing up just when we need it, and even dogs at the point of death being healed when we pray for them. it just amazes me how much our father really cares about even the little things in our lives.

so i'm planning on being here for about another 3 weeks, then it's back to the states to finish off school and continue being a little blob of light in a big inky world. i'm working on getting some pics up of africa, so keep checking the site. love ya'll, and keep latching on to the God who first latched on to us.

Sunday, August 8, 2004

Shocking Revelation!!!!

Naah, not really. just an eyecatcher.

I've been remiss at posting because our life is too rich to describe... We live in the press of tensions that rock... There's all this really cool Jesus Life going on, and all this risk and peace...

Judy's dad is settling in after a month-plus vision quest in Holland. Mom's passing has left a void for us all, but he seems to be adjusting well. We're shucks... all of us--please pass the prayer--when it comes to Mom's passing... We function well all the time, but there are gut-wrenching moments...

Today I read Henri Nouwen's book IN MEMORIAM. It is a short read. It touched me about the passing of a mother... I'll pass it on.

Daily life here is interesting. Students from all over the world, Dad, Seth is always naked, Judy is working hard every day, Lew is preaching in coffee shops and skateparks.

Interesting stuff...

Hey, God loves you. Forget the hype. Check out the cross and get with Him. You won't be sorry. You won't be the same.

Even the cats love the turkmen hats!  Posted by Hello
We got hats from Turkmenistan! I love them. They're for boys and they're really cool. Why don't we wear cool hats like these here? I think they're gonna be all the rage...  Posted by Hello
Here are 'Zara and the boys in Eden Park. It's a beautiful view of the Ohio River.  Posted by Hello
Hey Everybody, Meet 'Zara. She's our exchange student from Turkmenistan. That's in Central Asia/Eurasia. It's a former Soviet State. She'll spend the next ten months with us, learning about America and Rosses... She's sixteen and sharp as a pin! We love her very much.  Posted by Hello
This is Qadamsho, my new friend from Tajikistan. As many of you know, Judy and I place foreign exchange students on the side. It's a very flexible schedule and a great way to share our love and lives with people from across the world.  Posted by Hello
This is a poem from one of us:

Ears that don’t hear

Disillusioned by THE LIFE

Security void but present in body

Quiet and commanding at the same time

Unpredictable… moody

Never yelling but screaming

Messages not heard by the ear.

Consumed with analysis, moving with caution.

Using the senses to tell what was near.

Stifling desires to satisfy reason.

Keeping the peace or the illusion thereof.

Becoming whatever the time demanded.

What world are we in today?

What does our mouth have to say?

Hmmm…..haven’t heard that one before, but its ok.

Why did you wake up this morning?

It’s like taking off blinders and seeing what’s ahead

and finding you’re 5 miles high on a ledge

No one to catch you or even watch you falling…

But understanding….its our calling.

Do what you can to keep from fading away into a glaze of confusion and Incomprehensible rhythm,

Lying comforted by fear

Hearing the messages not heard by the ear.

Shut off your brain and make the world stop

Long enough to choose where you land

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Don't Forget! Latenight prayer!  the 7th of August! 


Sitting in downtown cinci.  Just outside the University.  At an old monastery with wi-fi...  it's great to be able to write you from here.  The sun is not quite hot yet and the breeze is cool. 


I have to go soon to teach english, but I wanted to let you know about an experience I had yesterday. 


I was with my two English students, Gulzar and Qadamsho, in Cincinnati, and they dragged me into a church for a noon service.  They are both devout Muslims.  They enjoyed their time there! 


I taught them to sing from the Hymnal--all four stanzas of "How Firm a Foundation"!!! 

the message from the pastor was about relief for refugees in the Sudan, with direct reference to the religious tensions there.  It was a great experience! 


For me, it was a sign of connection to the traditional church, and the traditions passed down to us from earlier generations. 


I am also enjoying loving my muslim friends!  I love them so much. 


They gave me hats.  Cool, muslim hats.  I love hats.  If I wear the hats, people will think I'm muslim.  What if I wore the hats?  what do you think?  What might it mean if I did?  What would it mean to God?  What would it mean to you? 

How about a fat suit?

Or if I went disguised as a black man?

Or if I used a wheelchair??


How do we view Muslim people?  What do we Know about Islam?  Do we see a difference between the teachings of Islam and the people who live in cultures under that influence?


What about us?  And Christianity? 


We have been honored to find out that Muslims are people.  That they aren't all the same, and they have the same needs we do...  And doesn't Christ make us brave to love and share our homes and hearts with everyone? 


This year, we have two exchange daughters for ten months.  They are both beautiful souls and we are honored to share Christ's love with them without reserve.  One is from a Buddhist background.  The other, Sunni Muslim. 


What might this year mean to God?  What might it mean to them?  And how will this year change me? 


So few of us know anything about the people we call Muslim.  And less about the religion called Islam...  And the difference between the two...  And the similarity between those people and us... 


I know that Jesus would be loving the people we call Muslim. 


There's a lot to say about this.  Why don't you email me or post a comment?  We need to get real about loving these people, if they're in our lives... 



Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Just visited with some good friends.  Had a time for about 3 hours while the kids velociraptored around.  Seth and Aaron had a blast with their 2 kids.  It's so good to share our lives! 

We talked about all the stuff that's going on in their church experience, which includes some really difficult stuff for them.  It looks like a real stand for the truth and probly get killed kind of thing. 


Psalm 37 talks about forsaking wrath and not fretting when injustice prospers.  Ephesians talks about being angry, but not sinning. 


When church leaders commit to do evil things...  When insanity seems to be the rule...  We're not to go crazy, but tuck into Jesus and STAND for the truth. 



LateNight Prayer: Sat.Aug. 7,

Arrive any time between 8pm and 1am.  Backdoor.


A quick entry. 


Note: by the end of this blog, I got really hot.  so if it's boring, just hold on. 



So much has happened in the last weeks that I've really had trouble posting.  Our First exchange daughter has arrived.  Her name is Gulzar Haitmuradova, and she's from Turkmenistan.  That's in Central Asia, also known as Eurasia! 


We are so honored to have Gulzar as part of our home life for the next ten months and can't wait for her exchange sister, Piyanan, to arrive from Thailand.  We love our work with the students, and It's a privilege to have two in our home for the year! 


As many of you know, JP has been in Mexico finishing up his minor in Spanish, but he came back on Saturday night, just in time for Late-Night Prayer (none of us are hardcore enough to make it for the whole night, so we just call it Latenight...).  He was here for about 30 hours, and left for Kenya yesterday afternoon.  He'll be there, helping Pastor Moses and Sylvia Suhr, and our friend Prari, for the next 6 weeks. 


Prari and JP will be back in September.  We are all looking forward to their return and the next steps, here in Cinci... 


There's been a bit of a storm over the area, lately.  We've had lots of lightning and cloudy/cool weather.  Fitting for some of the stuff that's broken loose in the lives of some of our friends.  Adam and Corrie, whom some of you know, are in a huge transition after being fired and summarily cut off from relationship with their church of over four years. 


I have letters, emails and live conversations every year with people who have this happen, and I have yet to be satisfied that it is handled in a Kingdom way.  Even if the ending is the same, the PROCESS is important!  Not to me.  To the Lord. 


In this case, the details are pretty typical.  adam got uppity about Godliness and Passion for Christ, among the leadership of his church.  So, while the pastor was on vacation, the elders decided to fire him.  He was given two days to clear out his office.  He was forbidden to phone anyone in the church.  He was given ten minutes to try to say goodbye to the youth group.  Classic. 


Well, I know that Jesus will sort it all out.  But until then, I feel grief that this stuff happens this way.  It's like, we know about confronting sin, but often don't do it.  But when someone disagrees, or pokes us in the ribs about righteousness and zeal and devotion to prayer and the Word, we see them out the door... 


And being fired means moving!  Selling a house and moving!  Yet I have seen this kind of decision arrived at in haste TWICE with my own eyes!  both times, the leaders admitted that it was a Spur of the moment, or overnight, decision!  These are firsthand accounts.  Think of all the ones I've heard one side of on the phone!! 


Most of the time, the leaders regret the decision almost immediately, but feel powerless to do anything about it.  And they do nothing.  They weather it out. 


And the community hardens, grows stupid, stays quiet, and lowers its sensitivity to Prayer and the Word... 


"because of the increase of wickedness (greek:"scandalon"), the love of many will grow cold." Jesus (Mt.24)


SCANDAL.  It's more than prostitutes and cooked books.  It's the refusal to live out obedience to the Word in the way we live as communities of devotion to Jesus...  Firing fairly godly men...  Saints of God who have put in time and shed blood!  Without spending time in trying to work it out.

Without working out a solution! 

One month's severance? 


Craziness!  Mercy!!!  Latenight Prayer again on Saturday, Aug. 7!! Jer.8:11



Tuesday, July 13, 2004

The Ladies had a productive work night, here at the house. We're getting moved in. I had "Kid duty" which was mainly comprised of tumbling on the extra mattress pile and a 2-hour game of "keep away" with my new baseball hat.  Posted by Hello
Here's another Pic of the house for anyone who hasn't seen them, yet. We're having a work night tonight to get things settled in. Judy will coordinate a bunch of folk. Lew will watch the kids. There'll be a BUNCH!  Posted by Hello
All-Night Prayer was really great last Saturday night. It's so great to have those. We'll keep them up--every other Saturday is the initial plan. I'll put the notice on the Blog each time. This Sat, there isn't one. It'll be the Next one, like the 25th, right?

Good news about that, our prodigal son, JP, will have returned from his six weeks in Mexico. He'll be here that saturday night, and the following Sunday Night Gathering! He will leave EARLY on Monday for Kenya, though, so you'll have to catch him quickly!

This week, I've had conversations that have really made me think. I've been telling people that I'm a pastor of a church that doesn't have a building--that it's a church where you become the church, not go to one. Our gathering is not a reflection of our selves, but our desire to obey and know Christ.

I've also been thinking about prayer. You know, people will show up at all kinds of meetings. But who comes to a meeting where the only attraction is to talk with Jesus. Where he's the only reason to show up?

How does corporate prayer factor into the command of 2 Cor. 13:5

Basically, it tells us to examine ourselves (corporately) to see if we're really in the faith! It encourages us to question our standing in faith! That's radical. A lot of religious activity is geared to calm our fears about our standing. This scripture encourages us to explore them thoroughly.

Then, it says that it's possible to fail the test!! Check out that scripture!

The joy of it is found in this: that if we fail the test, there's HOPE! We can turn around today and seek Him. He can change it. He can lead us in repentance.

You know, with a 50+ percent divorce rate, 37% porn issues among PASTORS, abortion, dishonesty and all the other stuff going on IN THE CHURCHES today, it would be very appropriate to CANCEL EVERYTHING and go to prayer as a huge group.

Are we defeated enough before the system of the world to DROP IT ALL and drop to our knees, together? There are a lot of voices offering hope in other alternatives, But that's where we have to go. Church Growth schemes are going to fail. Only seeking to please the Lord will work, when it comes to really pleasing the Lord. And that'll start by humbling ourselves before Him.
