Monday, May 19, 2008

a cold may night

I'm sitting here and it's 1129 pm and the rain's just coming down. Seth and Marcelo are the two newest recipients of the latest sickness: a cough of some sort with a snotty nose and whatnot... I just gave seth some medicine around 10...

anyway, this May has turned out cold. and i love that. but it's been cold, of all things. I remember last year as a very very hot year. I skated all the time and it was really really hot! really hot!
my bluejeans were dripping into my shoes! not really.

so far, it's cold and wet in cincinnati. good stuff. This morning was in the like 40s and the day got up into the 70's and then the temps dropped and the rain fell. rain bothers me because you can't skate, but today that's ok because i'm so far behind on study and writing and emails and skatepark hookups... so i did my work and now i'm off to bed...

just posted on the ongoing jeremiah study. get in there and comment around, back to the beginning... work your way through. all the posts get to me by email. automatically.

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