Saturday, May 17, 2008

Trying to Watch "Fruit of the Vine"

today sam and i were trying to watch this really really cool super 8 skate video documentary about the history and life of pool-skating. I gotta tell you i got a heart for pool skating. I skated a pool in NC last christmastime and it was kingly. cleaned it out myself and had 2 days of sessions in it. fell, hit my head, broke my glasses adn cut my own butterfly bandages out of waterproof athletic tape... fun. serious fun.
In that short bit of skating a real pool i realized that growing up in NY, there were no pools! everything we had around was above ground sheetmetal dealios... but there was Pulaski Pool in Poughkeepsie. I skated there one time but it was so HUGE to me, and there were like 4 feet of water/sludge in the deep end, and it was coooollllld. I just shot for walrides in the shallow. People were sick back there. Con Man doing huge ollie airs on the vert wall. that pool had like 7 feet of vert! Dudes were grinding on that...

Well, we were trying to watch it, and we just kinda said, "you wanna go dig one?" and we just turned it off and got up and dug for four hours and we got a shape and a bit of depth and a dream is born... We pretty much figure it could take as long as it needs to. Between all of us here who skate, we'll see it through. There's gonna be a sweet little ditch/bowl in my backyard...

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