Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Name of the Game

Discernment of Truth from Error and Deception, people.

Nowadays in the church there is a ton of verbal and written material masquerading as the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Entire communities are being built on this stuff and wind up as a masquerade of the Church of Jesus Christ.

I'm talkin counterfeits, folks. Good old Matthew 7, stinky-fruited, counterfeits. Aplenty.
I'm talkin Galatian super-apostles with greed-friendly pseudo-gospels... I'm talking the leaven of the pharisees and the sadduccees. I'm talking the leaven of herod...

these three leavens are important keys:
pharisees: religious zeal worked out in the flesh. Look at Romans 10.
sadduccees: using religion to build a cushion around yourself. milking it for the benefits, while not believing...
Herodians: using religion to build up a political power machine. We all ought to be ashamed for how this has gone unconfronted in the church! Flags next to the cross! for shame.

and herod was a despot! I'll finish this up later...

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