Monday, May 19, 2008

Working with Gregory!

Well, I gotta say first, "Thanks Dad, for teaching me how to shovel." My dad is a master shoveler. He can shovel ALL DAY. He shovels for fun! And working on putting a skateboarding bowl, in concrete, in my backyard over the last couple of days has proven Dad's technique! I can shovel all day, too.

And today I employed the elder Ross's wisdom in the creation of footers for a deck in high-end Anderson Township with Brother Greg. Greg is a contractor and he eats deck construction for breakfast. He's a joy to work with: has the right tools, extra gloves, rented a machine for the heavy hole-work... a guy who gets things done right and done well. Hats off to greg, and the Jesus who built him.

So today I spent the time i usually spend on the freelance Jesus Pastor skater skatepark salesman... the school-day... on building with Greg, who is easy to work for.

thanks Boss.

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