Thursday, April 20, 2006

Chris Challis update

Zach and Lew went to see Chris on Tuesday. He is very sick. The doctors say he is dying. He has had 4 operations: one for the initial liver repair, and three for necrotic fasciitis--a decay of the tissue of organs and whatnot inside him.

The doctor said that a person can survive with 20% liver function. Before being shot, Chris' liver was below 20%. Now, there is almost no hope that Chris will recover liver function. He is dying.

At this point, I want to make it clear that we are praying, trusting and believing that God is able, and has changed His mind in the past. We are reminded of Hezekiah's illness, when the Prophet Isaiah walks in and says, "Thus saith Yahweh, you're gonna die, so get things ready brah." and Hezzy turns to the wall and bitterly weeps. God says to Isaiah, "Scratch that, I'm giving him another 15 years to tread dirt."

what is that? That is our hope for brother Chris. That's what.

Chris was also involved in some really dark stuff--drugs and whatnot--at the time of his shooting. We had let him know that any time he wanted to return fully to Christ, we would be here for him in radical ways to help with his whole life. He turned us down. That was January. This is now. Now we're known as the church that gets mixed up with bad sinners... not bad, eh? the doctor said that Chris' liver was below 20% before the shooting--that he'd have died of liver disease sooner or later was the implication. Now... he's really sick. He's unconscious, so there's no talking with him, but we've talked to him, knowing that people's spirits are often very active at this time. We've preached to him, assured him of our love and the Love and forgiveness of Jesus...

We're simultaneously preparing for his departure and for his return to us. We are able to hold the two in our hearts and minds at the same time.

may the peace of Christ rule in the hearts of the repentant.

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