Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Do me a favor. When I get shot and hit in the liver, if I'm able to see and hear, please robe me or put a blanket over me! Moses, Man!!!
Please dignify me a bit, Maybe a quilt made in love, or a blanket with a picture of noah's ark, or something!!!!

I believe that our brother Chris is coming home. I once knew a brother who strggled on and off with drug addiciton. He returned to the Lord again and again, until one time, it really went deep.
We all could see that the conviction of the holy Spirit was bringing this man to his knees. All he begged of God was that he remain faithful to the end, and never leave Him again.

Within two weeks, he drowned in a rafting accident. What a mercy.

Behold the kindness and severity of God. We'll finish the story of that young man in glory, with Jesus as narrator...

So lies my dear friend and brother, Chris Challis. He is stricken, but loved. I know he's not forsaken. Zach, Adam, and I have been to his side and prayed over his life, that Jesus and angels visit him and take him home forever...

I serve the Lord of Last Minute Paradise. He is the God of the right-hand cross, come to collect thieves and vagabonds whose only offering is the confession of His goodness and their own unworthiness...

This is why God has nicknamed my work for the Church "Grubbykupp". So unclean I am.
So unfinished...
So used...
So stained by handling...

So, thus are we. This is we. Here we are...
...hate us for being fundamentalists.
...fear us for being charismatics. ...shun us for being pentecostals.
...find us catholic, shunning Rome's baggages...
...find us carrrying plenty of our own, discovering how to throw it down...
...accuse us of being critics, but we're just confessors...

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