Monday, April 17, 2006

monday morning with tea

sitting at the big table with my cup of tea. lipton. hot.

typingaway at this cute little fold up keyboard... what a cool day...

last night's meeting was different. We had nine of our local youths--all male, all teenagers but one-- in for worship together.

our music sounds awful to them--they just don't get praise choruses. So we didn't do it that way. We had worship with some songs that Chris Deering has written that are rap performance pieces with me on the guitar...

We passed out our worn out djembe and our broken bongo, our egg shakers, too...

total respect and participation from all the yoots. It was great to lift praise to God with the guys who mugged aaron and bought weed on our street all last year...

we had preaching and prayer in a way that I know was new to them, too. we got themall praying for each other, laying on of hands, thinking about what they are asking for, and from whom it's coming...

we taught them that as believers in Jesus Christ, we are given friendship with God, if we obey the gospel and live in the truth, and not lies.
We told them that Jesus is calling them to be ministers in this neighborhood.

It was a truly good night. A youth night here at the Chase House.

We'll be bringing that vibe to our Friday Night Meetings, so these guys will have a good strong connection to such stuff.
I'm serious: these guys: Monty, Maurice, Devante... our backyard kids... our street brawlers... these guys--who I've personally taken by the ear before!!! They are the church here!!!

I think we're in for some growing pains.

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