Wednesday, April 26, 2006

memorial for Chris tonight...

tonight, we'll meet at 1320 Chase for a time of contemplative prayer, worship, and intercession for our world.

We have been prayerfully considering how we might do a public memorial in the form of a streetlevel vigil. With a slogan or sign, and a watch through the night, to show solidarity with all the families and churches who are losing loved ones to gunfire in the city.

Ten youths were shot this week. Yesterday, a grandmother was hit with a stray bullet and died, at a bus stop in Avondale, near the zoo...
We have shelved the idea of a public protest. We'll do what the Spirit tells us, tonight. We know that we wrestle not with flesh and blood, and that prayers in secret speak loudly to the spiritual rulers of evil.

That is more important than making a public display. Let the public display be our love for one another, our disdain of this world's pleasure, and our faithfulness to follow Christ.

...we may be led to do something public, yes, but we'll be focusing on being hidden, in secret, until the Spirit gives us the next moves...

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