Saturday, April 15, 2006

Pull the blog

today someone better than me suggested that since my voice tends to be harsh and cutting, that I pull it from the web, at least from the public sector. Maybe pulling it off the grubbykupp blog list, since I represent a community, not just my own opinions.

interesting suggestion from a person I trust... I'm thinking on it. they followed up with that they'd love it if I wrote a book, so it's not about them not liking my message or whatnot, just that I'm hard to take.

hey all you grubbykuppers! think of how many of you have shared about how you couldn't stand me before!

here's a tip: when reading my blog, open up the sciptures a lot and ask honestly what my friend Robbin, who couldn't stand me, asked herself: "is what he's saying truly Scriptural?"

By so doing, Robbin not only saved our friendship, but to some extent her own soul. You duke it out.


  1. While we (you&I) live very different lives/part of the spectrum, I would say I would hate for you to pull your blog. A book or a Blog both are in the public relm and require the reader to make a choice to consume the material. And what some/you are calling "harsh", I would call raw, unfiltered, and to the point; certainly not a bad thing. Anywho, looking forward to meeting you one day, Keith

  2. keith, thank you for very gracious, generous encouragement. So many people see me as a malcontent. It means a lot for someone to just listen to what I'm saying, not just how they feel... you know?

    I love all of you who read my stuff adn I pray for us all to be found spotless on That Day.
