Tuesday, April 25, 2006

you guys really bless me

thanks, Keith and Adam, for your loving, enocouraging comments. I want to take a moment to say that in the midst of all the heavy stuff we're in down here--the thin-ness of the crust of the earth, our suspension over a very real and eternal hell, the reality of judgment and the unfulfilling nature of every temporal pleasure-- that the community of the saints that is gathering to the Message--the Good News--is REFRESHING TO MY SOUL!!!

Now that Christ has come, we can love!
Now that Christ has paid the price, we can FINALLY give up all the stuff and whatnots and abandon ourselves to Father!!!!

...and there's a community--across state lines, across oceans--a COMMUNION, of people gathering to the Good News, the Truth, Jesus Himself, in our Generation under the Sun...

and it's flat our refreshing me!

Over the past two months, the gnawing loneliness I've had has been salved by the hearts of other pilgrims who have AFFIRMED our homelessness in anticipation of a better city!

No, we haven't found a home here, but we are each others' home as we pilgrim to our Father in Heaven.

Love Love Love!

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