Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Message to the World

This morning I'm sitting at the Sidewinder Cafe, typing out on this miniscule keypad, enjoying neigborhood conversations and NPR as a background.

The wireless here, and the purchase of a CF card and extra battery have enabled our communication via blog.

I'm pleased with the medium...

There's been a ton of activity in the 'hood this week. The weather has broken, so truancy and street crimes are rising...

Last night a man in a wheelchair was hit in a crossfire on Blue Rock Street in our neighborhood-- Northside.

I have hoped an prayed for that man, wondering if he is Chris Challis. Chris now lives as a neighbor to us, down the street. You may remember him from last winter, around November... that's fall. Yeah, Chris lived with us for two months last fall/early winter...

I remember how he had to go outside to smoke, and the house got sooooo cold every time because the handicapable door is right in the main dining room...

I remember how he would cook up those funny round ball-shaped hamburgers, covered with chili powder. they were great.

I remember our kitchen transformed into a candle factory.

I remember how the dishes were always clean, the kids were always laughing, and our house was joyful because Chris was shining in our home...

Now, Chris lives with tons of room mates down the street. He has turned us down on the offer of Christian fellowship. His room mates are really into drugs and he isn't inclined to compromise his bond with them... We still love Chris and are praying for love to rule us...

That's a story that's not over yet...

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