Thursday, May 4, 2006

Cell Phone Theft Redemption

remember how Chris and Aaron Smith got beaten outside the Rec Center?
and how Rick helped the cops with a sting to catch the kids who took his phone?

eventually resulting in the arrest...


and release of their pistol-weilding attackers?

Well, there's a chance for the girl who's been charged with the theft (she tried to sell it back to us and the police caught her... it was ridiculous) to do her community service hours with Grubbykupp, in the 'hood, here. Can you imagine that? Service hours helping out with kids minstry at one of our block parties? or working for a saturday morning with our crew on a work day? Big lunch. Laughter. Prayer.
It's a great meditation that this community service may turn out to be the beginning of a lifelong friendship.

[click for killer scripture]

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