Wednesday, May 3, 2006

summer tour??

Lew is dreaming into a summer tour of churches that will share table and Front Time with our community. Wanna start a missionary relationship with Grubbykupp? We highly suggest it...

we promise to never flatter you.
we promise we'll really challenge your flock
we promise we'll freak you out, sometimes, with honesty that is unpopular, about Jesus...

we live an increasingly simple, and effective life of community and mission here... our roof is leaking, the shingles are cracking, our vehicles keep breaking down, and we're learning to simplify, but we need help from the Church to get us OUT THERE with the families of our 'hood... we need the Body to send us. and mend us. we need YOU.

contact Lew through this site and he'll get with you to pray about what can happen...


1 comment:

  1. you know we love you...
    my people are still trying to take care of my fam, jeff and rhonda, ryan... and the other poor and jobless... and homeless amongst us, though i was happy to hear that one of our young and poor will be receiving a room at one of our peops homes soon... God's grace is sooo ready for our tremendous weakness...
    anyway, we do have arms and legs and would love to come to you again and do what we can, but finances are rough... cor and i are sill wrestling like you... but the basic bills are being paid... and every once in awhile I have a spare dollar or two to buy my staff guys some coffee... we're probably going to move/get forced out of our sunday rental (cuz we sure don't want to pay money like that)... as soon as we reach some sort of stability, we'll be sure and start supporting the Kupp monthly so that comfort/stability will not be a norm... we'd much rather give it away so that we can keep struggling... GK is definitely one of our major prayer missions right now... someday we hope to make you a financial one... sooner rather than later I hope... though i've got a mega-church up in detroit that's praying for you and reading your blog daily now... maybe they'll stand up... that'd be cool... anyway, call me we'll chat and stuff... see ya bro... adam
