Wednesday, May 3, 2006


i'm happy this morning... life is pleasant where we are... yesterday i had rowdy kids cussin' me in my backyard... i called the cops and they scattered, but my street credit plummetted.. i was stymied at how to handle disrespect in my yard... it was awful.

then i got the best idea:


i'm gonna turn those times of disrespect and danger into all out FUN... First I'll hit them with a Wb, then, I'll bring out some more so we can have an all out... turning tough love into PLAY...

...welcome to the life... i'm going to go get some of those old-school helium balloons and fill them with water adn I'll have my personal revenge on those guys! no more police for me! we're going gangsta style! drive by water balloonings!

FUN... having fun with kids who are defying authority... i think that's an interpretation of what Jesus does with me. He takes me under the wings of father hen, and tells me jokes in the face of my fears and failures... tells me jokes...


  1. You will get a lot farther if you fill the balloons with paint.
    As it was said in "Untouchables" by Al Capone "You get a lot father with a kind word and a gun than you do with just a kind word."

    To be serious don't fret it. Your street credit plummeted? So what? Really, so what? Of how much worth is their value system? These kids need love so much. Love sometimes must draw lines. Lines have never been drawn with these kids. They'll get over the cops.
    Jesus never attempted to devalue discpline.
    Cops over cuss words? Maybe a bit much, I don't know, I wasn't there. But Lew... stop woring about it, and accept the Peace that XP gives, not the peace of the world.
    Soon enough, these kids will know that you all love them, even if you do not accept their mouth sometimes. THAT is far more worth than water balloons. Anyway, water balloons don't work as well in the winter; and you are never sure who you might hit who might be in a foul mood.
    You should attempt to be all things to all men, that you might win all the more for the Gospel of Christ, but I don't think you should fret the street credit; it too will be consumed in the end, as the streets burn... but Faith, Hope, and Love will remain.

  2. instead of cops, KINDNESS...

  3. thanks for droppin' comm on me, justin. I went in and edited the post for a bit more clarity after reading your comment.
    ...added detail to the ideas there...

    Fun is a major tool for love, here. Being available to PLAY is a major challenge for us... we spend our days in busy-nesses, you know?

    yeah, i don't sweat the street credit... it's right and good to be an adult, and when kids won't abide the rules of the house, out they go. that makes the space safe.

    i just look forward to days when we'll be available to be present, so we can have the local kids over more often...
