Friday, May 5, 2006

Judy's off to Germany: Surprise Trip!!!

this is an audio post - click to play

Well, Judy's work, CIEE, had an emergency of some sort around their Germany Orientations for a prestigious grants program, and they needed someone high up to go to Germany to oversee and whatnot, and they asked Judy if she wants 11 days over there, with 5 to visit and travel...
Please pray for this trip. Judy leaves tonight. We just found out yesterday. We are happy that the Lord has provided this opportunity to see Katy, our past F.Ex daughter, who found Jesus while here with us.

1 comment:

  1. So, you guys get it, right? everyone around the chase house? I'm gonna need mad help, 'cos I got these kiddos, and Tim, and the ministry stuff goin' on... so could you all really pitch in? I'm gonna need you...
