Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Ironing out the details

We have these monday evening meetings here. They're about hashing out the physical stuff of living together, moving people in, arranging ways to support ministry, live simply, love our neighbors, etc... they are awesome... there is prayer for neighbors.

Right now, there's a movement of neighbors to oust the Heards. They are Tina, Monty, Maurice, Shannon and her Jays (two kids named jay. love it...) The neighbors say they're trouble. okay... yes, there is bad stuff. Their porch is oft occupied by druggy guys and there's bad traffic there... true dat.

but you should have seen the neighbors before!

and Tina works 40 hours as a BAGGER at Kroger! Minimumumumumuminininimumeeeeoooowwwaaaaaaage! That is one hard working mom...

We want to be more present to this family--their kids, especially. Monty threw a brick through a window the other day and he and two of our other kids, Andrew (mugged aaron with 4 others), and Damien, robbed NY Flava... a hip-hop store...

It's our hope to go "staff" on this neighborhood, raising enough support to put Chris Deering, and Smitty on Neighborhood Youth Ministry Detail. They'd develop stuff that would do the fathering and brothering that the Church is meant to be, to the poor.

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