Wednesday, May 17, 2006

McPerry's Demolished Today

Today they Razed McPerry's. i wasn't sure what to think. I spent a lot of time asking people why it was necessary to destroy this business--revoking their liquor license and driving them out of the 'hood. There were conflicting reports. One gentleman of high standing assured me that they had ties to terrorism. Two people said that they were convicted of selling stolen goods--a claim that wasn't true. they were exonerated by a grand jury. Another said that they harbored the drug dealers when the cops chased them.

I don't know. but i have another question: how will the Church of Jesus deal with the fact that this didn't work? The City is doing its best, but the "Problem" has just moved 2 blocks closer to the Chase House, back on APJones street. It is up to the Church to do this. Not the City. We are the City of God. We are a city within a city... We are His City. How will we live this out?
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