Wednesday, May 17, 2006

When I share a prophetic word to the Body of Christ, or a challenging message or blog post, pointing out sin in the camp of God's Church, I am often confronted by a list of good things about whatever group/person/church/institution got pinched in the truth this time.

These lists often include:
-helping the poor
-supporting missionaries
-supporting ME (i live as a beggar, but I'm not going to hold back, no matter how big the check was)
-"changed lives" (a term that bears investigating)
-sending missionaries
-people who hate god, now attending services
-large attendances
-being nice people
-giving large charitable donations
-producing "tithers" (people who give away 10 % of their income...)

Solid. I agree. There are many good, neutral, wonderful, and helpful things going on. But was that the point? This is about Jesus, who goes by the name Way, Truth, and Life. It's all about Him!

Now, let's consider Jesus. His days weren't far off from ours. He also showed up at the big church (Temple) as well as smaller meetings (synagogues). He also taught there. He was popular from time to time (this is where it breaks down with me)... Think of his hearers, as he confronted the religious fraud that was being committed by the People of Israel against God. Yet they did many good deeds as part of their religious life, didn't they? Hear the trumpets? Time for alms!

Let's consider Jeremiah, too. Temple? Check. Synagogues? No. He had to stand at the gateways to share his prophecies over the flow of the crowd of the city... There weren't synagogues until after the Exile and Dispersion... How do you think people felt when Jeremiah said that their religion was worth less than nothing? when He spoke against the Temple, the priests, the false prophets, the bent teachers of the law?

Need more examples? Think about Amos--a fig-nipper from Tekoa. That country bumpkin had nerve. You'd hate to read that guy's blog! You'd want to click the "Persecute" button in his margin. Sticks and stones... Literally! Have you read that book? It will DESTROY our esteem for the outward religiosity that masques so much of the flesh-life today.

These and more, all spoke against the Temple and it's fraud.

Didn't the temple system cover impressive almsgiving?
Weren't there mighty good works out of that temple?
Weren't there "changed lives"?
Wasn't God's presence there?
Wasn't the Temple a physical sign to the nations of the Lord?
Weren't the poor fed there?

...yet it is out of that temple system that arose the persecution of the prophets and the cross of our Lord Jesus.

it was against that temple that our Lord prophesied. It was that temple that bore the rage of His zeal. (Jn.2)

Weren't widows fed, the poor clothed, and good deeds done out of that temple? Were there not plenty of righteous men and women who congregated there? (simeon and anna) Didn't our Lord frequent the temple to teach? Didn't the early church gather there?

so how come so many prophets came and exposed what was under the surface? How come they couldn't just be happy and not criticize?
God is jealous, that's why.


  1. so what is it that you are suggesting? That church as we know it should cease to exist and should ony take place in homes? Can the two work together? If the way things are done do not work for you, what is the alternative?

    It seems that Jesus came to turn people to the way of the Torah and to point them to the Father, not himself. He chose the cross, he was not driven there. "Noone can take my life from me, I lay it down willingly."

    What is the use of talking about Jesus if it does not bring life change? Wasn't Jesus' vision for us to take care of the needy, break the chains of the oppressed, send out disciples all over the world? So if it's not done the way you think it should be done is it wrong? If so, please help us understand how to do it right, since we so desperately want to be about our Father's business.

    When Jesus spoke out against religious fraud, it was towards people who were using God's law to put "heavy yokes" on people...using God's law of freedom to oppress others.

    If you would like to "investigate" whether or not the changed lives I talk about are legitimite or not, I will happily introduce you to one transformed life right down the road from you in Northside. In fact, you already may know them since she was, in her words, "discouraged" by members of grubby kupp when she tried to love the sort of people Jesus would be hanging out with.

    Being prophetic is great, I just want to make sure you know your audience. I may be way out of line, but I share my opinion with you with hopes that there is some element of truth in here somewhere.


  2. There's another thing here, too. It's the whole "divide and conquer" concept (not that you are trying to conquer me, but that your ideas are in conflict with my attempts to put truth into plain words). What I mean is that I have been utterly clear that, just as Jesus was of the Jewish people, ministering as a Jew--just as Jeremiah was a citizen of Judah--so I am approaching this whole conversation as "member" with all the Body.

    I am not setting myself apart from Xchurch, or Vchurch, or UMCchurch, or VCchurch, but I am speaking a unifying message: that the Lord is calling us to repent and drive the Gospel home to the world as we Glorify God in our obedience to Him.

    Not perfectionism.
    Not housechurch.
    not a thousand things...

    there are a thousand things I AM NOT SAYING. Please hear what I am--what is clear in scripture--saying. This is about us Obeying Jesus. This is about us teaching disciples to obey jesus. It's about being a community of Jubilee, not about setting one man against the whole structure...

  3. Thanks for your response, it helps me clarify what role you are playing in this race. It's funny you brought that up, because this morning i was thinking through the race terminology throughout the New Testament. What I love about this race is that all of us win, and when we realize it's not about us, we encourage each other, pick each other up when we fall, carry each other across the finish line.

    One runner's sneakers may be different from another's, but we're heading in the same direction. I have to make sure I don't turn around and laugh at the ones who I have surpassed, or slip into the role of mean track coach who yells at his students "faster pansies, you suck!!"

    i am glad to be running with you.

  4. bless you, brother jeremiah. the discussion you've stimulated here has helped me grow. Run brother, run.

  5. It's also a trip, talking about Jeremiah to a brother named Jeremiah. ...much more than a bullfrog... (sorry, had to say it)

  6. I suggest that the church as we know it should cease to exist. It should only take place in homes.
    the two can't work together. this is the alternative becasue the way things are done does not work for me...

    I was just trying on that first paragraph. It doesn't end up describing the point of anything I've written yet. I just wanted to try that... yeah. No. I'm not suggesting that. cool...

    ...also provides some real good "cultic quotes" for folks to use out of context. Sweet. No ellipses necessary.

  7. Sounds like dearjeremiah had it out for you. Looks like there is a lot going on behind the scenes in your previous interactions that's showing up here in this blog. Anyways, Lew, you responded well, and I'm glad to see how it turned out. (With the exception of him saying that he shouldn't look back and laugh at the one's he's surpassed in the race. Was that in regards to you?) No answer needed. Anyways, I grew from that discussion, so rock on!

