Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Tuesday Night Bible Study

During Tuesday Night Bible Study, I got the feeling that if we went on a little more in the Scriptures, that we'd break into a prayer meeting, and a revival would start. We were really getting an intense, "firelike", experience over the Word, who is Jesus, together... We were honored to enjoy the company of Jeremy, Michael, and Emily (and their very teeny, little one--PTL), and local house church phenom, John Daley... The Ladies' study went on, even though Judy wasn't here, too! I look forward to hearing about how that went...
We are using the text of Jeremiah as the diving board into other stuff, and ended up in a discussion of the Wisdom of God versus the Wisdom of the World.
1 Cor. 1-2 were talking points, where we started a discussion comparing the wisdom of God with the wisdom of the world.
"how do you recognize wisdom", one asked. We looked at James chapter 3:12 and following... by its fruit... by it's attitude... by peace and righteousness... by submissiveness... by purity...
there was a lot of intense, passionate sharing at the table, around the Gospel,and how we are charged to renew the Church's obedience to it, calling all men to repent and believe, and go to preach... (and by men, I man ladies, too).
On top of it all, the house was a total wreck, and we just dived in anyway, but during the study, Emily and Sheena totally cleaned the kitchen, which freed us up to fix a snack (which we cleaned up after), and enjoy an hour's pleasant conversation...
It was great to get to know Michael and Emily, from Craig Spinx's group over there with Sunell. Hi Craig! I met you once and dumped my heart on your floor... i'm not sure i'm better now, but i still belong to Jesus... Hi Sunell! We all love you over here...
When the economy tanks because we spent too much on our war and our suv's, you can all come live at my house...

1 comment:

  1. lew i had a great time...for the record, i barely know craig spinks though he seems like a great guy...we just happen to visit there home group on the same night one of your people showed up as well.
