Monday, May 1, 2006

Lew Preached yesterday at North Pres

brother Erwin put his reputation on the line, asking Lew to come and preach, yesterday.
Needless to say, it was "stimulating". Some folks got up to leave while I was singing Derek Webb's "I Repent". They were on their way to a basketball game or something, but it made me think that I had "crossed the line". I love all of you so much. thank you for welcoming me, and the gospel.

Then last night we laughed together that there's a front page article on Derek Webb and how his songs make people walk out... We pray that Erwin's reputation would be sterling...AMONG THE ANGELS.

Thanks to all the saints at North Pres who have made home for us in their hearts. Sharing the Gospel there was joyful, and I felt the draw of their humility and love for Jesus pulling me onward... May we all strive to enter that Shabbat Shalom...

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