Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Tupische Morgen

Got up 702
computer bag
Tim to bus stop 712
Back for aaron
aaron to school
to sidewinder

it's a fairly typical morning, except I didn't get aaron up early enough and he slept till 702... usually he's out the door at the same time as Tim and i'm typing by 720... today, not till 740...

i'm so grateful for a working computer! It is such an appreciated luxury to be able to write down what is going on--to have it read and prayed for by you who come here to see what's up in the mind and life of Lew... I have to say that my experience with apple computers has convinced me that they are going to eat up the market.

Steve Jobs will have his revenge on Microsoft and Bill. Apple's gonna be the next big thing...
that is, if the electricity stays on.
...and these days, i tend to wonder...

Do any of you listen to Bob Dylan? "It's a Hard Rain's Gonna Fall"

These days are incredibly pleasant. we're in the thick of a lot of things that make me blown away by the beauty of my kids and wife... i am sensitized to every thing in our life that is good or pleasant.

the other day i came home from an intense, confrontational, humbling, beautiful engagement, where the preaching of the Gospel was so clear... i felt the flames licking my heels... and in the driveway are JUDY and SETH... my heart just LEAPED.

someone else got shot last night... they blocked off 75south just north of us... the shootings are off the hook... people are getting killed every day, here... and Jesus is here... Jesus is there, too. right with us. he's here with us to mess up this evil, violent status quo...

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